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Thread: HELP! Getting drug tested, will this show up?

  1. #1

    Exclamation HELP! Getting drug tested, will this show up?

    Ok, I'm a vet and I already know this but I just want to be reassured. lol I'm about to get on a Win-V & Anavar cycle and i'm going in to a 2 yr Health field program at my college. And they drug test before you enter the program. So correct me if i'm wrong. But they'd have to specifially drug test for Win & Var for them to catch it in my system right? I just need reassured!

    btw when I went threw rehab years ago (when I was a dumb kid) I was on Enanthate threw the whole rehab and they drug tested me. I saw the results and they tested for ALOT of drugs I never even heard of but there weren't any gear on that list.

    So this is the 1st time i've ever been drug tested while doing orals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    if you were a vet you wouldnt be running a cycle without a Testosterone base.

    To answer your question i doubt they will test for AAS. That is a test specific test, which I might add is expensive. Usually they do a standerd 5 panel test which doesnt incluse AAS.

  3. #3
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    pure power is correct. i sauced it up in a rehab for 9 weeks man and they never tested for juice. they only test for the basic drugs of abuse (mood alter ones and steroids aren't considered mood altering!).


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you used test e before....why not use it again??? you need some test bro.

  5. #5
    I am a vet and i'm not looking for cycle advice. I juiced for 8 yrs and i quite juicing for over a year now. But I still work out everyday. What i have planned is exactly what I want for my purpose. I don't want to crash hard and i want just alittle help while i diet and do cardio. So i'm doing 10wks of Var @ 40mg with Win-V for 6 wks.

    PurePower, it didn't surprise me you said that cause thats the 1st thing i always said to people also. But i'm not a newbie and i'm not worried about getting big. I use to Mod anabolicboard and Admin at Offshoremuscle

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