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Thread: get rid of acne?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    get rid of acne?

    i got a lot of acne on my shoulders and my back..what should i use to get rid of it!?(something i can buy from my local london drugs or superstore?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    B-5, I also have used a product called "Dettol" great..I just apply over acne areas and it dries them up after a few days...Dettol is a houshehold cleaner BTW....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    new york
    i have been wiping my shoulders and back down with rubbing alcohol. i do it right after work and right after the gym. so far it is working very well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    let me tell you what I did, when I was about 15-18 I had mild but cystic acne which I still have scars on my face from . I used tetracycline which worked great until it stopped working because my body got used to it. Then I went a year with no prescription acne med., no nothing except neutrogena and my acne got disgusting!
    Well, I got a derms prescription for a drug called TRIMETHOPRIM which is way better than tetracycline and took 400mgs a day. It vastly reduced the red, "bad", painful cystic bumps which leave the scars and I LOVED IT. I also had nicotinamide 4% gel to help heal the old scars BUT I only found that in England. Worked great.
    Now I have dropped the Nicam gel in order to try Benzoyl Peroxide and I like that but I also tan to keep oil in my face down so I cant tell if the BP is working but I am happy with my skin. I also dropped the Trimethoprim down while I am in the sun and it has not done much damage.
    Trimethoprim is an antibiotic by the way so you may get used to it.
    I have used winstrol with no acne problems lately. I dont get the nasty red under the skin bumps, just white heads every now and then.
    You may want to test some of these things out for yourself bros......

  5. #5
    Order up some Proactiv... 3 step cycle for face and their deep cleansing body wash for body... It actually works really good.. Make sure u get the refining mask because u can use it as a spot repair. put it on before bed, wake up and the pimple is pretty much dried up...

  6. #6
    I had pretty bad acne and tried the Proactive kit. Don't waste your money on it, the whole thing is based on benzoyl peroxide which is good as a short term acne treatment but for long term results, it def. didnt' help me. B-5 seems to be working nicely right now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Tampa moving to the Beach
    bro you can buy shlt from sources for that. Like retin-a etc. Pretty easy to find.

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