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Thread: is this a normal feeling??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    is this a normal feeling??

    im goin on my 5th wk of 450mg/wk of test enanthate and 450mg/wk of eq....i am also doing clen 2wks on 2 wks off with eca....gonna start the clen tomorrow again....but about 5 days ago, i started having this uneasy anxious and could kinda feel my heart beatin from inside (if that makes sense) also its soemtimes hard for me to take that "deep breath" this normal while on eq? ive done test b4 and havent felt this way....i thought it could be fromthe eca but didnt take it the last 2 days and symptoms still occured....jsut wanted to know if this is normal and happened to anyone else?


  2. #2
    Alright man i dont know how to say it but those are the early symptoms of death. Your going to die... Just kiddin but i get those symptoms when i'm on eca.. You just need to relax and it could be in your head just take it easy when you feel those symptoms comin on.. It happened to me when i'd first get on eca but wouldn't persist unless i had a stressful day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok i wasnt sure bc i heard about anxiety from eq....and while on the clen, i didnt feel this way jsut at the end of the 2 wks of the eca.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    also just took bp it is 148/66 but took 2 doses of eca already......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bump for any other input??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    I have heard a lot about people getting anxiety from EQ, but that was not one of the side effects i personally got from it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The simple explanation is the clen and ECA stack. They increase your heartbeat and the mind responds to what the body is telling it. Basically, your body says, "run away from the saber tooth tiger, dude" and the mind reacts with jitters, etc. In anxiety states, there is a definite feedback effect between the nervousness and the heartbeat. In other words, your heart beats faster, you feel nervous, your heart beats more, and bingo you have a panic (anxiety) attack. If you just tell yourself that it's the drugs, then you should be able to calm it down. Try exercise (hard to get hyper if you're engaged in heavy exercise) or meditation.

  8. #8
    Its high blood pressure. Some people may dissagree but ask the doc for some meds. Stop taking them after your cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I doubt its BP. First, it's symptomless which is why so many people die from complications of it. Second, 148/68 is pretty good. The lower number is the one to worry about.

    Before jumping to conclusions, better get advice from someone who actually has some medical training (like Doc).

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by woodiechopper
    I doubt its BP. First, it's symptomless which is why so many people die from complications of it. Second, 148/68 is pretty good. The lower number is the one to worry about.

    Before jumping to conclusions, better get advice from someone who actually has some medical training (like Doc).

    True, the second number is almost normal. What I would recommend is taking your blood pressure 3 times a day, once in the morning once after lunch, and one before bed. 148 is high. 120 is normal.

    When you have your "panic attacks" check it then as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok i plan on checkin it in the AM first thing when i get up as well as 2 other times throughout the day....and i havent been having panic attacks....just been feeling very uneasy and hard to get that extra breath sometimes.....i appreciate all the input guys

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by coronahold34
    ok i plan on checkin it in the AM first thing when i get up as well as 2 other times throughout the day....and i havent been having panic attacks....just been feeling very uneasy and hard to get that extra breath sometimes.....i appreciate all the input guys
    May not be high blood pressure, but its better safe than sorry. I have the same problem on cycle. I take meds for it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    On cycle, mine goes up to 160/85 or so from 130/70 but it goes back down again. I talked to Doc M about it and he said not to worry.

    I'm not saying I'm right here, but I would just cut out the ECA and the clen for about 4 days and see what you feel. I did an experiment with clen and your heart beat returns to normal in 2 days (mine from around 110bpm to 60bpm). No wonder you feel jittery.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    sounds like anxiety or palpations caused by ephedra or clen...

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