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Thread: 1st cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada eh?

    1st cycle question

    I JUST BOUGHT GEAR FOR MY FIRST CYCLE I'M GOING ON FOR TEN WEEKS. i bought QFS international prop, QV deca 300 and QV d-bols. I'm thinking of taking the prop EOD, the deca twice a week and the 10mg d-bols at three a day for a month. Does this make sense or does anybody have a better idea?
    thanks for your input and i'll see you at the gym

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dante's Inferno
    whoa there slugger! all you really need to run for your first cycle is test. just hold on to the deca and dbol for the next one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i would drop at least one for first cycle,probably dbol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pretty_tony
    I JUST BOUGHT GEAR FOR MY FIRST CYCLE I'M GOING ON FOR TEN WEEKS. i bought QFS international prop, QV deca 300 and QV d-bols. I'm thinking of taking the prop EOD, the deca twice a week and the 10mg d-bols at three a day for a month. Does this make sense or does anybody have a better idea?
    thanks for your input and i'll see you at the gym
    Are you prepared to do ED injections on your first cycle?Have you done proper research on your proposed cycle?Do you have your anti e's ready?Is your pct prepared?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada eh?
    appreciate the input boys, i have been weight trainning for five years now wanting to go to the next level. I'm 6'1 , 203lbs and am very excited about getting bigger. I am ready for EOD injections and i'm waiting on the anti-e's and won't start without them after a few horror stories i heard of. my pct is laid out all i need is to put the money on it. I am new to steroids and every opinion i get helps me look for the best path.Thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pretty gutsy using prop on a first cycle. ED shots and alot of sting to boot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by pretty_tony
    appreciate the input boys, i have been weight trainning for five years now wanting to go to the next level. I'm 6'1 , 203lbs and am very excited about getting bigger. I am ready for EOD injections and i'm waiting on the anti-e's and won't start without them after a few horror stories i heard of. my pct is laid out all i need is to put the money on it. I am new to steroids and every opinion i get helps me look for the best path.Thank you
    Don't do prop EOD no matter who tells you they swear buy it, it has a 27 hour half life, EOD you will be swinging your test levels too much. That means increased sides, less gains, less steady gains. If you have some extra $ and can get it easily, or trade, get some test enanthate about 3 10ml bottles at 250mg per ml so you can do twice per week injections.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I'd put the $$ on your PCT now........never know when a source is gonna dry up. If You're only ready for EOD then you're probablly not real comfortable w/ needles. If you're not ready to stick yourself ED w/ prop then you're not ready to run it

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