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Thread: FIANALLY!!! my gains from cypionate at almost 4 weeks in

  1. #1

    FIANALLY!!! my gains from cypionate at almost 4 weeks in

    whats up dudes, about a week ago i put up a post that sad, "no gains from cypionate yet???? " and everyone was like wait a lil bit cause i was like 2.5 weeks into it, well tomorow on sunday i take my 4 shot wich starts my fourth week. ive went up from 105 on military presses to 135 and bech has gone up from 190 to 205 so bicepts have gone from 14 inches to 15 and a quarter already. ive only put on like 5 good solid pounds though, but i still got like 5 more weeks left . but i look a hell of alot bigger than i did 3 weeks ago. im 190 as we speak, does anyone think i can get up 2 205 in weight by the end of my cycle????? oh yeah, im only taking one cc a week 2, wich i guess is like half the amount ur supposed to take. opinions on my cycle / gains would be appreciated. thanx guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hey, glad you're getting good results mate

    get up to 205, and you're 190 , taking 1cc a week is how much in mg?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    another 15 pounds in 5 weeks could be tough, start shoveling in the cals bro...........good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I love how the stuff seems to kick in overnight. It's the best feeling in the world!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Congrats bro. I had the same result from my previous cycle. I was doing 500mg Test and 400mg Deca weekly. But it sure kick in at around 3 1/2-4 weeks. It's a great feeling. Good Luck with the rest of your cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmwm
    whats up dudes, about a week ago i put up a post that sad, "no gains from cypionate yet???? " and everyone was like wait a lil bit cause i was like 2.5 weeks into it, well tomorow on sunday i take my 4 shot wich starts my fourth week. ive went up from 105 on military presses to 135 and bech has gone up from 190 to 205 so bicepts have gone from 14 inches to 15 and a quarter already. ive only put on like 5 good solid pounds though, but i still got like 5 more weeks left . but i look a hell of alot bigger than i did 3 weeks ago. im 190 as we speak, does anyone think i can get up 2 205 in weight by the end of my cycle????? oh yeah, im only taking one cc a week 2, wich i guess is like half the amount ur supposed to take. opinions on my cycle / gains would be appreciated. thanx guys.

    Bro it may just be me... but to the sound of it, it sounds like you were no where near ready for sauce yet?? I wouldn't be suprised if you lose most of your gains... Not a Flame just letting you know what to look for.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    its possible for 15lbs more under the right conditions. Some will be water/fat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jmp51483
    Bro it may just be me... but to the sound of it, it sounds like you were no where near ready for sauce yet?? I wouldn't be suprised if you lose most of your gains... Not a Flame just letting you know what to look for.
    I was thinking the same thing. If you can barely bench your body weight and are only military pressing 100 lbs. you should have probably seen how far you could have taken yourself naturally. How long had you been training before starting the cyp??

  10. #10
    well the reason im not that strong in (some) exercises is because ive been cuting weight my whole life for wrestling, and alot of weight. anyone out there who has wrestled knows what it does to ur strength, not just during the season but in the long run 2. all 4 years of high school i wrestled 152 . soooo yeah, its gonna take me a while to get strong again. plus im only usein 1 cc a week and supposably from what everybody says, im suposed to be usein twice that much. the reason im only doin half the amount is cuz im afraid of side effects . but yeah, it took almost 4 weeks for me to feel anything but hopefully my strength and size will keep goin up. which i think they will.

  11. #11
    Riiight.... Some of the strongest people i know are little annorexic wreslters....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I can vouch for that. I know some wrestlers that are freakishly strong on the mat but when in the gym can't lift ****. I still think it would have been better to have lifted a while naturally and reach some of your bodies own potential. Anyways good luck with your'll always remember the first!!

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