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Thread: IGF-1 Newbie - mixing question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    IGF-1 Newbie - mixing question

    I'm about to begin my first use of IGF-1. I have GenLei kits which are delivered with bacteriostatic water - 10 vials @ 100 mcg per vial. I'm planning on using 50 mcg per day, after wo jabs, bilateral in the muscles that I've worked that day. So, the vials I would mix would only have to be stored for two days (50 mcg per day).The research I've been doing seems to lead to not using the BW only for reconstitutiing the powder. Instead, I'm hearing that I should be using BA which, forgive my lack of basic knowledge but, I believe that stands for bacteriostatic acid??? There's a thread on this forum that speaks of using Acetic acid which is vinegar. So, my questions are as follows:

    Since I only have to stroe the material for two days, can I get away with just using BW to mix with?

    If BA is necessary, is there any better liquid to use than vinegar.

    Can someone help me to understand the mixing proportions. I keep seeing a value like 50Mm ml or something like that. Again, forgive my ignorance but, I haven't got a clue what that means. Can anyone help this newbie?

    Much appreciated

    Mag II

  2. #2
    BA= benzyl alcohol

    It's not that BW is an awful solvent to preserve IGF-1, it's that BW doesn't have the ideal properties to reconstitute IGF-1 in the first place

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Is BA available as a sterile preparation that I can easily get? Or, do you agree with the thread that recommends using distilled vinegar?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    check this site out for BA and Darts

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