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Thread: nosebleeds?

  1. #1


    whats up bros im 23 5'9 193 im on my 2nd cycle 500mg of test enan and 300 mg deca a week 12 weeks of test 10 of deca. .25 of ldex ed and at about week 8 i threw in some anadrol at 50 mgs everyday and some proviron at 50 mg ed and throughout the whole cycle no problems at all, once i started the abombs and proviron i started gettin nosebleeds everyday a couple times a day pouring blood out of only one nostril and i figured high blood pressure got it checked 4 times at different times of the day and its perfect no high blood pressure so anyone ever have this problem with proviron or anadrol without having high blood pressure its weird last cycle i was on 500 mg of sus and 300 mg of deca a week 10 weeks and proviron eod with no problems a nosebleed here and there but not like this so i mean is it the proviron or anadrol im confused i stopped the abombs but would like to continue the proviron...any input just for future knowledge would be appreciated thanks bros..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    It just might be coincidence. How's the temperature where you live? It's been really hot in my area lately and I've been getting nosebleeds a lot (not gear related). It could just be your nose is dry. Mine has only been bleeding out of my left nostril.
    That's the only advice I can offer, I have no experience with anadrol and proviron.

  4. #4
    mine only out of the left nostril what gives thanks bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sin City
    dry climate may easily be the culprit. there are other things that may cause nosebleeds as well but it seems like you may have ruled out high blood pressure. allergies may also be responsible. stop picking your nose as well!! looking at the timing of the nosebleeds, it may be the anadrol causing it. i'm not sure if proviron could be a culprit, maybe someone with that knowledge may be able to shed some light on the topic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Does it happen during your workouts?

  7. #7
    no i never had it happen during a workout it happened once right before i was going to workout thats about it otherwise their just out of nowhere ill be sittin on the couch just starts pouring out i was by my sisters house my brother in law looks at me and is like yo ur nose is bleeding just drips almost like a runny nose

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I am contantly reading posts on here about guys getting nose bleeds while on AS. If it's not high blood pressure, then something is causing it.?? I'm curious to know if anyone has any insight on this. Einy????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    when i was running deca i had the same thing happen bro, i am a bouncer and mid way throught the night i would just bust out in a bad nose bleed, and it would bleed for 20 min. to a half hour. I to got my blood pressure checked and it was fine also, so i stopped the gear around a week later and a around a week later the nose bleeds stopped completly. I know its not much help in what i am writing but it did happen to me also and when i stopped it went away completly havent had one since....Good luck bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    It's just a common side effect of AAS usage. I'd say just deal with it and tell people it's because it's dry.

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