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Thread: Newbie Here... Need Help With A Buy I Made!!!

  1. #1

    Newbie Here... Need Help With A Buy I Made!!!

    I've Never Taken Steroids Before...
    But I Just Purchased Deca 300 {My Friend So Says} For 180$...

    I First Want To Know If It Was The Right Price And Right Bottle...

    The Bottle Says, "Anabolico Esteroide"... "Nandrolona 300 L.A."... then the front also has a picture of a Bulldog...

    It is sealed and i had to pop the top off... so it's unopened...

    On the Back it says~

    "Formula: Cada ml, contiene: Deca#@$@ (can't make that out) de Nanerolona..... 300 mg
    Then it says a line under that but it's too blurry to make out with 1 ml at the end...

    Is This Good Stuff For 180$...
    Deca 300 Is Excellent Stuff Right?
    Let Me Know Everything...
    I'm A Novice And It's Hard Trusting What Some People Say...

  2. #2
    the bottle sounds legit - the one i have sounds the same way....

    you'll need to get some more stuff though. wouldn't recommend just deca alone......maybe some t200 (testosterone enanthate) or some sus250 (sustanon 250)

    and, more importantly, you need more research

  3. #3



    I'll Look More Into The Research And Many Of My Friends Have Taken Multiple Cycles...

    But Is It Better To Take Test At The Same Time As Deca Or Right Afterward?

  4. #4
    same time.

    do a search for "deca dick" and you'll learn....

  5. #5
    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    same time.

    do a search for "deca dick" and you'll learn....
    hey bro bad day or just sick and tried of the oldest question on the broad next to" can i drink winny" or even better" i see all these people talking a bump???? what's a bump???" i know you love those too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    [i]Originally posted by KeyMastur

    and, more importantly, you need more research [/B]

    Perhaps the BEST ADVICE anyone can get if new to the ballgame!!! Provided by a VET in my book.

    Knowledge is your #1 ally in making good judgement calls. This includes gear prices, gear authenticity, gear sources, gear tailored for your goals. And from second guessing yourself!

    You have purchased a good product this time around. You have a long road ahead of you in your training and development. Take advantage of it!!

    Take your time and make wise, educated decisions. Do not rush. There are many people here to provide help.

    Good luck in your research and learning.


  7. #7
    I have a friend taking a deca only cycle right now as his first and he didn't listen to me and i bet within weeks he will wish he had least had some provirion. To answer your question tho yeah the gear is prolly real and I am sure your sick animal will enjoy it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    definetely throw in some test. if you wont atleast throw in d-bol for the first 4 weeks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    you paid way way too much bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Gear101

    hey bro bad day or just sick and tried of the oldest question on the broad next to" can i drink winny" or even better" i see all these people talking a bump???? what's a bump???" i know you love those too
    Hey bro-I think he was referring to deca's notorious ability to destroy your sex drive, and give you a limp schlong-also known as "deca dick", that occurs when running deca alone. He wasn't calling the guy a dick-just giving him a heads up on what could happen if he ran the deca alone w/out researching. By the way, what is a bump?

  11. #11
    Originally posted by HARDCORE
    Hey bro-I think he was referring to deca's notorious ability to destroy your sex drive, and give you a limp schlong-also known as "deca dick", that occurs when running deca alone. He wasn't calling the guy a dick-just giving him a heads up on what could happen if he ran the deca alone w/out researching. By the way, what is a bump?
    wow bro didn't know that.. deca dick... now would have have to worry about that i my current cycle of 600mg/ deca 600mg/ test cy 600mg/sust ew... and i'm not sure what bump is???????

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    LOL-I don't think you'd have to worry about that problem bro. From what I hear, the test makes you horny as hell, and cancels out the "deca dick". I'm actually a week into a deca test dbol cycle right now, I can't wait until the test really starts kicking in.

  13. #13
    hey bro how long ago did you start your first cycle??? and did i see the word d ??

  14. #14
    Thankx For All The Replies~~~

    I'm Going To Stack Test200 With My Deca...

    I Get Test200 Free...
    My Boy Is A Bouncer At This Club Here...
    And They Supply Him With More Than Enough Test For 10 Heads So... Yeh...

    And The Deca300 I Got... What Is The Right Price To Buy It At For SomeOne Like Me?
    Originally I Was Gonna Buy It From This 50 yr ex Bodybuilder For 210$
    But Then My Friend Found Another Guy For 180$

    Did I Pay Too Much? How Much Should I Have Paid?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    nah...ur friend prolly jacked the price up, ,, a lot depends on who you origionally get it from...keep talking aroiund

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Listen to what he Bro's said about doing research.

    I would recommend holding off on doing any juice until you have a real solid understanding of what you are doing. Too many people go off half-cocked (no refernce to deca intended!) and do it wrong the first time; some do it wrong many, many times before they learn better...

    Unless you know what you are doing, you will not make the maximum gains that you can and you won't be likely to keep any gains you made. You might gain some--and lose it all in a few months and be back were you were. Money down the drain.

    But money is not the worst of it: there are potential side effects that you might have from using AS. Until you know what you are doing and how to maximize gains, keep them and reduce side effects, DON'T juice.

    Stay on this board. Read the forums. If you apply yourself and ask intelligent questions, in a month or two you will know a lot.

    And be careful of trusting in your buddies or the 'gym expert.' It's easy for one guy at any gym to look really f**king clever if 1) you don't know much and 2) he is the only guy in the room talking. Here there are a lot of smart guys and every opinion is challenged--so the cream of the combined knowledge rises to the top.

    Stick around, learn and enjoy.

    Last edited by Ajax; 03-29-2002 at 10:22 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I think you paid for your bottle of deca plus your friend's.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    yea he probably did but speaking from the south...that shit goes real easy around the gym...people always try to sell just deca or just test and no anti-e's. they will charge an arm and a leg and it is easy to sell someone who is unknowledgable....

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