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Thread: Progress so far this year, now for GH!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Progress so far this year, now for GH!

    I thought I'd post a few current pics, I know I've still got a long way to go, thats why I posted a few from april this year - to make the current ones look better!

    I'm posting them now because I am just starting a six month GH run (my first) so I'll post pictures to show my progress every month or so during the cycle.

    Any feedback on my progress so far would be welcome - just be gentle!

    *2nd February 2013: Updated pic added at end of thread*
    Last edited by NotSmall; 02-02-2013 at 10:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    hey, that's great progress since april! Lookin good...can't wait to see the better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    good progress in time. Keep us updated. Try to hit your chest hard as its seems to be lacking from the rest of your upper body.

  4. #4
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    kc - Why thankyou!

    juicehoe - Thanks too bro! Yeah I know my chest is lagging, I think I may have been hitting it too hard in an attempt to catch it up and its backfired & I've ended up overtraining it - DOH!

  5. #5

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I thought I'd post a few current pics, I know I've still got a long way to go, thats why I posted a few from april this year - to make the current ones look better!

    I'm posting them now because I am just starting a six month GH run (my first) so I'll post pictures to show my progress every month or so during the cycle.

    Any feedback on my progress so far would be welcome - just be gentle!
    6 month of gh?
    maybe you are ready for a serious diet not for gh!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Well man your not fat but you need to get more cardio in
    actually alot of cardio you should also definetly work on your
    chest and traps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    flexer77 for someone who has 3 post and not enough balls to post a pic u should keep your mouth shut i for one think he did a hell of a job hes looking very good for that short amount of time WAY TO GO NOTSMALL keep it up bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Hell man he improved alot and I definetly think that he still
    has a ways to go before hes ready for competition. But as
    of now he is looking good for the amount of time hes been training.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Great work bro. Flexer you read the topic wrong.. it says "Progress so far this year, now for GH!" Meaning he wants to use GH now.

    NotSmall: Great work man, you worked real hard and it shows, keep it up!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    you look a 100 percent better!keep training hard

  11. #11
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    flexer77 - How do you think I got from the before to the after without a 'serious diet'? I also acknowledged the fact that I had a long way to go yet in my first post, I put the pictures up as a reference so I could post further pictures every couple of months as I improve. Oh yeah, and just who the **** are you to tell me I'm not ready for GH?

    builtthekid - I am doing the cardio and the fat is still coming off, I'll get there! Yeah I know my chest needs improvement and I haven't been able to shrug heavy for a while cos I tweaked my neck so my traps have gone down, I'm not too bothered though cos once my necks better they'll soon pop back up again - my traps grow pretty easy when I train them. I appreciate you saying I've improved alot but as for competition, well I'll take it as a compliment that you thought I might be thinking of competing but I have no plans to compete ever - I just like trying to improve myself.

    drdeath613 & slizzut - Thanks for the encouragement guys! Don't worry, I'm not phased by what that little faggot flexer77 said, I know I'm still a little flabby and even though I pointed it out myself there was always gonna be some cheap shots!

  12. #12
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    muff-chaser - Thanks bro I will! It took alot for me to build up the balls to post some pics cos I have still got a long way to go but the encouragement I've got from you and some of the other bros is a real confidence booster - just wait till you see my next pics, I guarantee even greater improvements!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    **** BRO,thats a hell of a transformation since april,i can tell from the pix that you are now dedicated...goodluck with the GH and keep us posted...are you running anything with it??....good job bro

    Last edited by DEVLDOG; 08-27-2004 at 10:40 AM.

  14. #14
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    DEVLDOG - Thanks bro, I was sh1tscared of the reaction I would get when I posted these pics so all the compliments mean a hell of a lot to me!

    I am completely dedicated now, as you say, to the point that I have been accused of being obsessed, which I probably am, but at least its better than my last obsession - drinking beer!

    I started the GH at 2iu ed in wk 8 of my 12 week test, deca & winny cycle and will run it right through PCT, and through the 6 weeks off roids, then up it to 4iu ed for my 12 week test, tren, primo & winny cycle and 6 weeks after that. I'm probably also going to run LR3 IGF-1 through PCT of both cycles and maybe for 4 weeks while I'm on cycle. I'm also constantly cycling between clen & ECA with occasional runs of T4s to keep stripping off the fat.

    I'll post pics every 2 months or so, I don't want to post them too regularly so that theres a real difference between each set.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    your looking good man, thats nice progress, i can't wait to see the before/after GH pics!

    flexer, the man can take GH whenever he pleases

  16. #16
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    Z-Ro - Thanks bro, I can't wait to see them either!

  17. #17
    U absolutely look much better, keep the good work up
    Last edited by Auctoris; 08-27-2004 at 03:28 PM.

  18. #18
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    Auctoris - Thanks bro!

    I thought I'd add a few calf shots, my calves used to be bigger but I haven't trained them in a while because I'm running every other day.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    killer progress!!!!....the diet comment ...ummm ok maybe .....GH @ 6 mo....isint that a little long?? (I dunno Ive never done GH) Keep pounding the legs and keep hittin the delts upper chest is coming along good.keep it up

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613
    flexer77 for someone who has 3 post and not enough balls to post a pic u should keep your mouth shut i for one think he did a hell of a job hes looking very good for that short amount of time WAY TO GO NOTSMALL keep it up bro
    Do you condone his use of gh when he hardly looks like he juices?

  21. #21
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    thickmass - I hardly look like I juice? - Thats a little harsh, I know my chest is seriously lagging but surely I don't look that feeble?

    Besides, whats one got to do with the other really? Plenty of people use GH who don't even juice at all.
    Last edited by NotSmall; 08-28-2004 at 02:37 AM.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    thickmass - I hardly look like I juice? - Thats a little harsh, I know my chest is seriously lagging but surely I don't look that feeble?

    Besides, whats one got to do with the other really? Plenty of people use GH who don't even juice at all.
    Ok call me a renegade but its all screwed.

    If thats your rationale for wasting money on gh when you're not even a competitive bodybuilder then the Government was right banning steroids and gh. Next we'll have fat arsed women doin gH because "everybody does".

    This used to be a good board where rational advice was dished out.

    Now all you see is guys sucking up to ppl posting pics and encouraging them to juice from day 1 and use HGH from day 3.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    bring the chest up and youll be doing superb bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Jersey, near Philly
    Awesome job man....I am very impressed.

  25. #25
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    thickmass - I had a look at your pictures and now I see what the attitude is all about - I'm just not hairy enough for your taste, sorry bro I'll get a chest wig and post some more pics just for you!

    And now your saying that steroids and GH are for competitive bodybuilders only?
    If I want to use GH to help shed some more fat, hold onto more of my gains between cycles and maybe even tighten up some loose skin left over from my fatter days I don't see that as a waste of money - sh1t I'm not asking you to pay for it!

    steggs & BiggerBri2002 - Thanks guys! I needed that after hairymass's demoralising rant - of course according to him you're "sucking up" to me.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    South Jersey, near Philly
    Let me know how the GH works for tightening up skin and fat removal.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Great job bro, amazing transformation. Looks like you have a lot of power in those arms.

  28. #28
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    BiggerBri2002 - Yeah will do bro, another little side benefit I'm hoping for is the fading of stretchmarks, I have loads and GH is supposed to be great for skin elasticity and thickness.

    I ran a search on stretchmarks and found this post by Ulter (vet) from back in 2001:

    "It may be more than you want spend but gh has helped my stretchmarks quite a bit and mine are over 10 years old. One of the properties of gh is that it thickens your skin and one of the first things I noticed when I started was that my stretchmarks had faded. Aside from fat burning and very minor muscle growth all the affects it has had on the way my skin looks have been well worth it to me."

    Gaucho77 - Thanks bro, I appreciate it!

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    kc - I think I may have been hitting it too hard in an attempt to catch it up and its backfired & I've ended up overtraining it - DOH!
    there's no such thing as overtraining. there's only under-eating.

  30. #30
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    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    there's no such thing as overtraining. there's only under-eating.
    Ummm, Its easy to become overzealous in your attempt to get bigger and overtrain...

  31. #31
    no. You cannot overtrain a muscle. You can only under-eat, which will not let the muscle grow. Our bodies are still made like our ancestors from millions of years ago. Our body and muscles are made to survive in a jungle...hunting down our food on foot, climbing places, running away from after day. Our muscles are not made to sit in an sl500, drive to the gym and do 20 sets, then go to a restaurant and tell yourself you "overtrained."

    nothing personal at all to you nsa, but i don't think you know the limits of the body and its muscles.


  32. #32
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    Jul 2003
    I eat 6000 cals a day, 600+ protien and so on. I shoot a lot of gear. From experience, I CAN overtrain. Sure it takes more, but it can be done.

    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    no. You cannot overtrain a muscle. You can only under-eat, which will not let the muscle grow. Our bodies are still made like our ancestors from millions of years ago. Our body and muscles are made to survive in a jungle...hunting down our food on foot, climbing places, running away from after day. Our muscles are not made to sit in an sl500, drive to the gym and do 20 sets, then go to a restaurant and tell yourself you "overtrained."

    nothing personal at all to you nsa, but i don't think you know the limits of the body and its muscles.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    great progress bro. you should be proud of yourself, that is quite the transformation... i think after this GH cycle your early pics comared to after cycle pics will be devistatingly different.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    What was your diet/training/supplement use like? How old are you and how tall are you?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    How about clen or T# for fat burning.

    or even cardio?

    Just because I dont wax every day like a homersexual doesnt make my advice any less useful.

    GH... pfft! why not do liposuction - much cheaper and more effective

  36. #36
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    angelxterminator - Thanks bro, the encouragement means alot to me, it did take alot for me to get the balls to post the pics. And yeah I can't wait to see my progress over the next 6 months, I'll keep you guys posted!

    slizzut -
    300g prot, 150g carbs a day, sunday - friday.
    250g prot, 250g carbs on saturday.
    Split up over 8 small meals a day, vast majority of carbs breakfast & PWO, no carbs last 2 meals.
    I know the prot is low, I will soon be upping it to 400g.

    Monday: Chest, delts, abs
    Tuesday: 45min run before breakfast
    Wednesday: Back, abs.
    Thursday: 45min run before breakfast
    Friday: Arms, delts, abs.
    Saturday: 45min run before breakfast
    Sunday: Rest.
    As you've probably noticed - no legs. If I train legs they struggle to recover with all that running which is a priority right now. Also, although you can't tell from the pics my legs are pretty chunky, I'll soon catch them up once I'm happy with my bf%.

    All the usual multi vits, b vits, fish oils, chondoitrin + glucosimine + MSM (I don't want to phuck my knees up with all the running), evening primrose oil (heigtens sensitivity to ECA), whey, creatine, whey & micellar casein zero carb mix for bedtime, I'm constantly cycling between clen & ECA with occasional runs of T4.

    I'm just towards the end of a test, deca & winstrol cycle.

    In november I start this cycle,
    GH increased to 4iu ed
    Wks 1-3 250mg Test prop eod
    Wks 1-10 250mg Test enan eod
    Wks 1-8 75mg Tren eod
    Wks 1-11 100mg Primo eod
    Wks 8-12 50mg Winstrol eod
    Wks 1-15 20mg Nolva ed
    Wks 10-13 500iu HCG ew
    Wks 13-14 100mg Clomid ed
    Wk 15 50mg Clomid ed
    Wks 13-16 LR3 IGF-1 50mcg PWO bilaterally in muscle worked.

    I am 26, 6'2", 245lb.

    thickmass -
    How about clen or T# for fat burning.
    As I said above (post no.14) yes I am using clen & T4s

    or even cardio?
    I run for 45 mins 3 days a week

    Just because I dont wax every day like a homersexual doesnt make my advice any less useful.
    Relax, I was only playing, besides whats a homersexual? - Someone with a Simpsons fetish? Oh, and what advice? All you did was run me down and compare me to a "fat arsed woman" - very helpful!

    GH... pfft! why not do liposuction - much cheaper and more effective
    Don't think I didn't toy with the idea but, 1. I don't think its cheaper, 2. Call me a pussy but I don't fancy surgery, maybe a tummy tuck further down the line when all else fails, 3. You don't get all the other benefits that GH brings.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by thickmass
    Just because I dont wax every day like a homersexual doesnt make my advice any less useful.
    What's "homersexual" about hair removal? If youre referring to giving a $hit about your appearance at all being "homersexual" then I guess we're all "homersexuals" because isn't bodybuilding all about how you look?

    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Friday: Arms, delts, abs.
    I really hope you don't do arms before you do delts on this day...

    Quote Originally Posted by thickmass
    Yeah probably. (although I'm gay myself I would never tell a guy to shave off all his bodyhair just because I thought I could see his muscles better).
    WTF??? You come on here calling people "homersexuals" because they wax and shave, I'd say fvcking guys in the @ss makes you a little more of one bro!

    Heres the link to where I got that quote
    Last edited by AandF6969; 09-07-2004 at 11:23 AM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    What's "homersexual" about hair removal? If youre referring to giving a $hit about your appearance at all being "homersexual" then I guess we're all "homersexuals" because isn't bodybuilding all about how you look?

    I really hope you don't do arms before you do delts on this day...

    WTF??? You come on here calling people "homersexuals" because they wax and shave, I'd say fvcking guys in the @ss makes you a little more of one bro!

    Heres the link to where I got that quote

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I thought I'd post a few current pics, I know I've still got a long way to go, thats why I posted a few from april this year - to make the current ones look better!

    I'm posting them now because I am just starting a six month GH run (my first) so I'll post pictures to show my progress every month or so during the cycle.

    Any feedback on my progress so far would be welcome - just be gentle!

    nice job!

  40. #40
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    Spoon - Thanks bro!

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