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Thread: Pit bull Terrier

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM

    Pit bull Terrier

    Hey bros,

    I am looking into adopting or buying a pit bull terrier. I am looking for an all white female 6-8wks 35lb and under.

    this will be my first time getting a dog. I have searched the web and found about a million of them, but most have to be shipped to you, I am a bit skeptical about this. if any one has any experience with this or what I should be looking for please fill me in.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    u should always go and see the dog, see what its temperment is like. u cannot judge this by someones decription or a picture.

    also, as ure FIRST dog, ever, why a pitbull?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Pits come in many shapes/sizes and temperments. I've seen some of the larger/big boned types that are as tall as a dobie and can weigh in at over 100 lbs. Look for a local breeder so you can go to see the parents that is usually the best way to pick a winner.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Razors edge bloodline, except no substitutes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    just get a mutt u can kill if it pisses u off and u dont lose much

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    just get a mutt u can kill if it pisses u off and u dont lose much
    haha, i really hope you're not serious.............thats horrible

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    I have a American Pitbull terrier from the toronto humane society.

    Couldnt ask for a better dog. Really. Best dog, out of all dogs I have seen or been with. Couldnt be happier.

    Depending on what you want the dog for, you should start there.

    If its a gaurd dog, well, you can get any dog really, if its a show dog then go with Razors edge bloodline but be prepared to pay. If you want a house dog companion type thing, then depending on money go with a breeder and yes go see em, or check out local rescue groups like I did.

    I am not disappointed at all.

    Love my dag.

    P.S not sure if you know or not but, there are different types of pits.. american which is the biggest, staffordshire which is about the same, staffordshire bull terrier (smaller one) and bull terrier, don cherrys dog (pretty small)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    Hey Bro,

    I've got a Pit Bull registered with UKC, Colby blood lines. She is a great dog. I went to see her and her parents in person. It was in Garden Grove as a matter of fact. If you live in L.A. you know where I mean. I've seen dogs at the Mulholland/Laurel Canyon dog park people said they ordered from overseas, breaders, etc, and the dogs didn't impress me much. I definitely say go see what your buying in person.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    By a bunch of cornfields
    Hey bro, there are a lot of pit bull rescue leagues out there that have a crap load of dogs that need good homes. Do a search on google and you'll come across one. Thats the route I would go.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your responses,
    the reason that I pick a pit bull for my first dog, is that everything i have read makes it seem to be the best dog for me, Im looking for a medium size, short hair, easy to take care of, lovable, smart..etc

    I have checked out MANY rescue shelters, with no luck. I got a call from a breeder that is going to look for me, but he tells me that it is almost impossible to get one under 800$,
    I really dont care about a good blood line, I dont want it for show, just a house dog. but I am quickly finding out that there are many shapes and sizes of these dogs which is making it very hard to pick,
    I am looking for a small to medium size, I think in the 35-40lb area, if anyone can make a suggestion that would be great,

    Frank white, I am going to go see a pit bull with colby blood line, (I really dont understand what this means) but if you had any pictures of your dog please send them to me, I would love to get an idea, from what I have been told it is white with brown, the parents are on the premises, which I was told was a good thing. he is asking 400$, im not sure if this is too low or too high or just right.

    like I said I would really like an all white pit bull terrier but they are hard to come by under 800$

    thanks again for your responses

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    all white are real nice.

    at 35 to 40 pounds fully grown, dont bother with a american pit or staff as they can easily surpass that weight. Bull terriers or Staffordshire bull terriers may be for you they are smaller and have short hair, they are usually all white with maybe a patch on their face or neck.
    staff bull

    you either like the way they look or not at all.

    American pits and staffs are more of the "classic looking" pits

    one quick difference between staffs and american pits is all pure staffs have a solid colored nose, all pure american pits have multicolored or spotted noses.

    here is a Colby link on the American pits

    good luck man

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California


    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
    Thanks for all your responses,
    the reason that I pick a pit bull for my first dog, is that everything i have read makes it seem to be the best dog for me, Im looking for a medium size, short hair, easy to take care of, lovable, smart..etc

    I have checked out MANY rescue shelters, with no luck. I got a call from a breeder that is going to look for me, but he tells me that it is almost impossible to get one under 800$,
    I really dont care about a good blood line, I dont want it for show, just a house dog. but I am quickly finding out that there are many shapes and sizes of these dogs which is making it very hard to pick,
    I am looking for a small to medium size, I think in the 35-40lb area, if anyone can make a suggestion that would be great,

    Frank white, I am going to go see a pit bull with colby blood line, (I really dont understand what this means) but if you had any pictures of your dog please send them to me, I would love to get an idea, from what I have been told it is white with brown, the parents are on the premises, which I was told was a good thing. he is asking 400$, im not sure if this is too low or too high or just right.

    like I said I would really like an all white pit bull terrier but they are hard to come by under 800$

    thanks again for your responses
    My dog cost me $300.00., so $400.00 dollars seems about right. My dog is UKC certified, not ADBA, which means she's not a certified fighting dog I believe. I don't believe in that **** anyway. Dally is right, 35-45lbs is real small for an american pit. Mine weighs over 80lbs and her father was close to 100lbs. Check your PM's. and best of luck.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    wow, 80lb, that has to be a big a** dog

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California


    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
    wow, 80lb, that has to be a big a** dog
    Ya, for a Pit, she's really big. Her father was named Combat Commander. He won some show's and was one tough looking MF'er.

  15. #15
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    if any one has had any experence with getting a dog shipped, by a breeder. I would like to ask some question that may help rule out bad breeder, who dont know what they are talking about.
    Im afraid that they are just going to tell me what I want to hear.

    Oh and I have the chance to get a female all white RUNT, is there any reason I should stay away from the runt. also does this mean that it will be smaller, im looking for a dog in the 35lb range and it seem to be hard, every one has 60-80lb dogs..


    PS it has gator bloodline..not sure what that is

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
    if any one has had any experence with getting a dog shipped, by a breeder. I would like to ask some question that may help rule out bad breeder, who dont know what they are talking about.
    Im afraid that they are just going to tell me what I want to hear.

    Oh and I have the chance to get a female all white RUNT, is there any reason I should stay away from the runt. also does this mean that it will be smaller, im looking for a dog in the 35lb range and it seem to be hard, every one has 60-80lb dogs..


    PS it has gator bloodline..not sure what that is
    DO NOT get a pit bull shipped to you. You have to be very careful about the breeder you get it from and you really need to meet the dog. I cannot stress that enough.

    Get the runt if you can for several reasons. One they will be more calm than the others and also they fight off disease better than others.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    They're awesome dogs. I have a male chocolate rednose. They're actually pretty smart. Very affectionate and they have alot personality. They're also really laid back and chill. Best dog I've ever had.

    Here is the pitbull forum....

    There's alot of good info there and also beautiful pitbulls.

    Good luck!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    so you want a pit huh? i have a site for you bro go check it out. do some looking around and get into some forums to talk about that certain type of bloodline you want with the owners of those dogs to see if it is right for you.
    jeep/redboy/rascal is very good


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Me and my big brother breed blue pit bulls.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Blue Pits are soooo pretty.

    I have a red nose and he weighs a good 92lbs..

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Yeah ive got tons of them I love those dawgs theyve allways
    been good mannered never snap at me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by builtthekid
    Yeah ive got tons of them I love those dawgs theyve allways
    been good mannered never snap at me.

    Here is a picture of my baby just cause he's so **** handsome..

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicofit24
    Here is a picture of my baby just cause he's so **** handsome..
    scratch that.. it wont work

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Hitting bitches
    well pm me and just email the pic.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I found an all white female 7wks 30-35lbs,from NY. I guess it has blue bloodlines. looks real nice, price 650$, Im not sure if this is too high, let me know..can you ask them to go lower or is this a no, no

  26. #26
    alevok Guest
    Bro, if I were you I would not get a pure white Pit, white dogs tend to have skin problem when exposed to sun and some of them are born deaf. Besides more than 70% white is not wanted in a Pit bull. A 20-25kg red nose bitch is all you need.
    Here is my boy Leo in my avatar, only 30kg, gentle to people, very smart and protective.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    I just seem to be attracted to the all white bulls, also im not looking for a show dog

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