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Thread: unusual IGF questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Lightbulb unusual IGF questions

    "IGF-1" I know this sounds crazy but has anyone ever heard about or know anything about what would happen if IGF-1 was injected into the lower organ (penis). The thought alone is disturbing but what if... I mean a inch or two can't hurt any dude right. But is that what would happen or will it just shut you off down there? Well I call out all knowledgeable Gear Wizards and Physiologist to respond with your brains on the matter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    The only thing that will work IMO is ramming 4-5 dbols ed right up your jap's eye!

    Sorry, couldn't help it bro.

    If you do a search you will find loads of threads with guys asking "What will make my schlong bigger? Its not that I need to - it's huge already, it's just out of interest."

    Unfortunately my friend the universal answer always seems to be that after puberty nothing will make your little fella grow - sorry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    hahaha It's cool bro My girl is way satisfied but I guess its an ego trip that I'm on

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    No worries, lets be honest - no guy would turn down an extra 2". (Although in my case 11.5" might be a bit cumbersome - ha ha)

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