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Thread: GH, Should I?

  1. #1

    Question GH, Should I?

    Hi All,

    I wonder if I could trouble you for some of your knowledge.

    I have been offered some GH, and just wanted to ask some questions before I make my decision.

    1. Is it the 'Wonder' drug that a lot of people say it is?

    2. Would I get any more from GH than I would by upping my current levels of steriod use. By this I mean, are higher amounts of steriod use just as effective as GH (cost/effect/side effect)?

    3. I thought that I had been given a good price but, reading some of the other threads it would appear that the price is not as good as I thought. I can't tell you the brand as the conversation didn't go that far but, the price is £100 (GBP) per 24iu's. Is this a good or bad price? (If this is a bad price, I would be interested to know what the best/average price would be for 24iu's. I would be happy to recieve PM's should anyone not feel happy replying)

    I hope I haven't bored you to much with my waffle, and thank you for your time.

    Many Thanks

    Last edited by musotechy; 09-25-2004 at 11:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    You might want to edit that post kidda, its against the rules to ask for a source.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You might want to edit that post kidda, its against the rules to ask for a source.
    Thanks, sorted now (I hope)

    Many Thanks


  4. #4
    Found the info myself, no need for anyone to reply (LOL)



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