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Thread: Pre Gym meal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Pre Gym meal

    Any suggestions on a Pre Gym meal while pre contest dieting??????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My pre-gym meal is whatever meal I ate before I hit the gym, usually about 1-2 hours earlier. I don't purposely plan on eating before the gym, so it's whatever meal is before it.

    You could try oatmeal and a small whey/water protein shake about 1.5 hours or so before your workout, if you feel that some slow burning sugars in the blood will help w/energy levels in the gym, and if your pre-contest diet allows it.

    BTW, what is your pre-contest diet? That is going to dictate what you should have before the workout.



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