Cutting cycle #3
Where can I put in clen/t3 for fat loss. I heard that t3 eats up your muscle. Should I do a quick cycle of clen/t3 before roid cycle or everything together? If I do it before then I lose some muscle, I will just gain it back on steroid cycle. Where would I do clen/t3 in cycle. Wont this be alot taking into the body like 5 things at a time.
Test Prop week 1-10 100mg eod
Tren week 1 - 8 75mg eod
Winny week 5 - 10 50mg ED
Nolvadex 10mg ed throughout cycle
PCT starts 3 days after last shot, 10 days of 40mg, 10 days of 20mg, 10 days of 10mg