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Thread: How the hell do you white collar guys do it????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!

    How the hell do you white collar guys do it????

    I know this post could of gone either in the diet or fitness room, but I though i would just post it here anyway???? I just got a "white collar" job here in Dallas, TX and I have to say its kickin my ass!!!! I'm not use to gettin up at 5:30 in the mornin JUST for work!!! I have to leave at least by 7 just so I dont hit traffic!! And I'm not even talkin about gettin up for cardio yet!!! I'm a little low on the money right now so I've had to PB & J and ramen noodle it for a while. I just dont have the money right now to re-stock my protein powders, chicken, tuna, etc everything I need. Anyway, my point do you guys wake up so early, get your cardio in, THEN go through a tough day at the office, THEEEEN come home and work out!!!!! By the time I make it home about 6:00-6:30 Im just freackin wooped!!!!!! I guess my body hasnt adjusted to workin such long hours yet, but its killin me! I want to get back into my workout routine and diet but I dont see how I will have the energy to get up a little earlier than I already am and then have the energy when I get off work to go hit the weights!! Anyone got any ideas, secrets??? How do you white collar fellas make it through the day??? How early do you go to bed so that you can get up to get it all done. Sorry for the rant guys! Just a little frusterated!


  2. #2
    Believe me, I hate it. I dont have time to do cardio in the morning. I get up at 4:45am, leave by 5:30am for the same traffic reason (washington DC). Get off work at 3pm, get home by 4:15pm. Trick here is DONT sit down... heh. Get dressed, have a little snack, and go to the gym to lift. Last night, I was falling asleep at 8:30pm. haha! I usually try to make it to 9:30pm. Its hard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I live pretty close to my job, about 7 miles I guess, and I get up at 4 AM five days a week to be at the gym and do my cardio, lift weights, shower and get up to my desk. The real advantage too me is that we have a gym at the office and that saves me a ton of time. At 5:00 PM I do another 30 minute session of cardio, shower, change clothes and head home. I get home around 6:30-7:00, grab a bite to eat, relax a little and generally by 9:30 I'm heading too bed.

    Hang in there bro, it'll get easier as you get used to the new routine. Not to mention you'll sleep like a stone.....I never have problems getting to sleep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    It's rough, yup, but you've got to really want it.

    I used to wake @ 4 a.m., cardio/dress/eat/pack clothes/etc., get to work at till 4:30, go tan, hit the gym at 5:30 or so, get home, eat, re-group, a bit of family time, then in bed by 10 or so. The next day it begins all over again...........

    Did this for 4 months or so, but I had a show to do, and that was TOP priority. I won, so it made it well worth it.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Smithtown, New York
    Hehehe......Sound's just like my day. I get up at about 5:00am take a shower, get dressed. Then at about 6:00am I get my 5 yr old daugther out of bed, get her dressed for school and pack her lunch. Then I commute for about 45min in traffic. I then drop my daughter off at my sister's. I get to work between 7-7:15am. I work until about 2. This give me about an hour to do any running around because I have to be at my daughter's school by 3pm to pick her up. After I get her I then drive home (in traffic). That get's me home at around 4. Then I change into my gym clothes give her a snack and off to the gym (for about an hr or so). When I'm done there I head home just to cook for her, clean, do laundry etc..etc ..OH YA!!! and don't forget her home work . By now its around 6:00. I will give her a bath and get her ready for bed which is about 7:00. By now my boyfrend is on his way home, so here we go cooking and doing dish's again etc...etc. So to anwser you question I get to bed any where from 10:00-11:30. It all depend's. By friday I'm SHOT!!!!

    Good Luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Bro its easy once you get into a routine. I work in an office now and I love it, I can eat all day rest my body its just frigg'n great. I use to work comercial construction on a framing crew so I had to be on the job by 6:30 no matter it was in the state, thats hard and hard the body. You will adjust, just get back in the gym and do it. What helps me is I will write down my entire week, like when I will get up what I will eat what execises I will do how many reps how much weight. This is the part that sounds kind of weird I will recite the day outloud 3x's before I go to bed. This works

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by sooner45
    I know this post could of gone either in the diet or fitness room, but I though i would just post it here anyway???? I just got a "white collar" job here in Dallas, TX and I have to say its kickin my ass!!!! I'm not use to gettin up at 5:30 in the mornin JUST for work!!! I have to leave at least by 7 just so I dont hit traffic!! And I'm not even talkin about gettin up for cardio yet!!! I'm a little low on the money right now so I've had to PB & J and ramen noodle it for a while. I just dont have the money right now to re-stock my protein powders, chicken, tuna, etc everything I need. Anyway, my point do you guys wake up so early, get your cardio in, THEN go through a tough day at the office, THEEEEN come home and work out!!!!! By the time I make it home about 6:00-6:30 Im just freackin wooped!!!!!! I guess my body hasnt adjusted to workin such long hours yet, but its killin me! I want to get back into my workout routine and diet but I dont see how I will have the energy to get up a little earlier than I already am and then have the energy when I get off work to go hit the weights!! Anyone got any ideas, secrets??? How do you white collar fellas make it through the day??? How early do you go to bed so that you can get up to get it all done. Sorry for the rant guys! Just a little frusterated!

    "ECA" and thats all i have to say about that

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Coffee, lots and lots of Coffee!!!

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