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I know this post could of gone either in the diet or fitness room, but I though i would just post it here anyway???? I just got a "white collar" job here in Dallas, TX and I have to say its kickin my ass!!!! I'm not use to gettin up at 5:30 in the mornin JUST for work!!! I have to leave at least by 7 just so I dont hit traffic!! And I'm not even talkin about gettin up for cardio yet!!! I'm a little low on the money right now so I've had to PB & J and ramen noodle it for a while. I just dont have the money right now to re-stock my protein powders, chicken, tuna, etc everything I need. Anyway, my point is....how do you guys wake up so early, get your cardio in, THEN go through a tough day at the office, THEEEEN come home and work out!!!!! By the time I make it home about 6:00-6:30 Im just freackin wooped!!!!!! I guess my body hasnt adjusted to workin such long hours yet, but its killin me! I want to get back into my workout routine and diet but I dont see how I will have the energy to get up a little earlier than I already am and then have the energy when I get off work to go hit the weights!! Anyone got any ideas, secrets??? How do you white collar fellas make it through the day??? How early do you go to bed so that you can get up to get it all done. Sorry for the rant guys! Just a little frusterated!