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Thread: GH and Cortisol

  1. #1

    GH and Cortisol

    I've read several posts that say that the best time to inject HGH is at 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, becase this is the time that cortisol levels are highest. What I cant seem to find is what the relationship is between these two hormones. In other words, why do we want to inject when cortisol is the highest, and what affect will the gh injection have on cortisol levels?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    There are a few inter-relations between HGH and cortisol that make having a high GH level at the time cortisol is high a good thing. HGH at the levels we take it is a very anabolic substance. It serves to repair, heal, and shuttle nutrients to muscles and even is repsponsible for new muscle cells. Cortisol on the other hand is a stress hormone that breaks down the same things that HGH helps build. In times of stress on the body the level of both of these hormones rise.

    You asked specifically what action HGH has on Cortisol levels. One direct action is that 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) functions as a net reductase converting cortisone to cortisol. GH inhibits 11beta-HSD1, resulting in a shift in cortisol metabolism favoring cortisone.

    I will try to add to this is beckoning dare it get in the way of my anabolic review time!
    RB - thanks for the info. If gh does inhibit the conversion of cortisone to cortisol, that makes sense. But now for a couple of dumb questions... 1) How can everyones body produce high levels of cortisol at the same relative times? It would seem to have more to do with sleep patterns (i.e., cortisol levels highest 1 hour after waking up each day). 2) My understanding is that it takes 1-2 hours after a gh injection for the hormone to be at the highest levels in your system (correct me if I'm wrong). If this is the case, wouldnt you want to inject earlier - maybe 7am?

  3. #3
    Makes sense. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) functions as a net reductase converting cortisone to cortisol. GH inhibits 11beta-HSD1, resulting in a shift in cortisol metabolism favoring cortisone.

    do you know all this stuff off the top of your head RB?
    this is impressive knowlegde
    i cant even pronounce half of these words

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    It is a sickness I guess. I have always had the ability to retain what I read and gather from research and studies. I was a walking science and math textbook throughout school....and a chemistry teachers worst nightmare!
    I have been working in these areas for so long now, that it just sticks. I do have a pretty impressive medical library at home and at my office, so when I remember a study I have read but can't quite remember the particulars, I do have that at my disposal as well.

    I usually try to use simple explanations in leiu of the technical descriptions, but some questions just seem to lend themselves to a technical description of the in this case. To just say GH inhibits the conversion of cortisone to cortisol would leave some people wanting to know how and why, so I included the particulars for those that might be interested.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Jeez, what I would give to have 1/2 your memory retention! I sucked at school and its taking me forever to learn this Personal trainer home study course! I do suprise myself every once in awhile! Any learning tips? More reading? Focus skills?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Thanks for all your help!

    You are such an asset to this community.

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