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Thread: Playing around w/ possible future cycles....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Playing around w/ possible future cycles....

    and keeping the cost of these as low as possible, here is one I want to get opinions on: Actually buddy of mine might be running this one. He does not have access to the internet, so I will do a little research on his behalf.

    IGF-1 weeks 1-4 40mcg bi-lateral.
    Anavar weeks 1-8 40mg Ed, could run at higher dose?
    Prop/tren combo 1-8 (50mg prop/ 50mg tren ace) shot ED
    Normal Pct w/ clomid and other ancilaries along w/
    4 additonal weeks of Igf-1.

    How does this look. He is not looking to compete, but gain strength and decent lean gains!

    Any input/ critique would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Strength should go through the roof.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hey Meso, thanks for the timely reply. As far as the prop/tren combo. Can he run these both full cycle. For some reason I thought I read some where, where you should stop the tren about a week or two before your test? Any truth to this? Also will he add some decent mass during this as well. Again he's not looking to compete, but just wants to show the "time in the gym is paying off" kinda gains! Also he is a little worried about the Tren aggression, I was told that this is a little less if you run Tren enanthate versus tren ace. Is this correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    The lower dose everyday inject will help. like 50mg ed, as for the test i would run it a week longer than the tren. But if this was me i would also up the var to 60mg first 6 weeks and then hit some winny @ 100mg ed since your injecting ed anyway from week 7-10 and drag out the test to 10 also. for pct you might consider some hcg before hitting the clomid. diet will be the key to "your friends" type of gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    LOL why do you say "your friends". My cycle on order is Test E, Tren E, Dbol and IGf-1. Ha! This is legit. NO need to try and pull the wool over. I only come here to help my boy cause I want to make sure he is dialed in and I know knowledge here is paramount!!!!!

    Thanks again!

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