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Thread: Need Help (Steroid Pill)

  1. #1

    Need Help (Steroid Pill)

    My girlfriend is taking a steroid pill she had an accident in February 2004 and she was put on liquid steroids and then she got off that even though she had a lot of mood swings. Now she is on this steroid pill and her mood has gone really bad she is always angry at me and cares more about her friends then me and she never was this way before when she was normal. I need to know how i can get her off the steroid pill she says she can't because she feels weird and finds it difficult to stop using them. Can someone please tell me the best way to help her without me leaving her alone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    find a pill that looks like hers (placebo) and swap it out, see what happens. And by pill i mean something non-harmful like asprin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The best thing would have her go to her doctor and tell him/her that the meds that were prescribed are causing bad mood swings. They maybe able to put her something else but do not switch her meds out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    yea, i guess if she NEEDS the meds then you shouldnt swap them out, but if its just in her head that she needs them and the doc says she can ween herself off then i might try my idea. But mudman is right, check with the doc, thats the best idea

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Is is an ANABOLIC steriod? I don't think it is. Do you know the name of this "steriod pill".

  6. #6
    Her family gave her a placebo but it didn't work and as for the steroid pill she doesn't need it her hip has heeled but she can't stop taking it because she says she feels weird and thinks shes going to die without it. One day she is fine the next she is in a bad mood she is also on painkilers too and this week i told her to stop taking painkillers and she experienced alot of pain and couldn't move and was really angry and having bad mood swings. I'll try to find out the name of the steriod pill that she is taking and let you all know ASAP. I think the Doctor is giving her the pill i don't really know much because she is in a different country from me and she only told me like few weeks ago about her still taking steroids and on vitamins and painkillers. Thanks for the quick replys and i'll post more info ASAP.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    hope you get help..but this is an "anabolic" steroid forum....not a forum about steroids like vitamin D.

  8. #8
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    Bro, I think the steroids you are talking about are called glucocortico steroid, not an anabolic steroid the are used to relieve inflammation there by reducing pain. Examples of these are Solu-medrol, Cortisone, Celestone. Good luck

  9. #9
    It isn't called glucocortico steroid i asked her and she said and she won't tell me the name. I don't know what is going on in her mind one min she is nice next going crazy and etc but the doc gave her the pill. She was on liquid steriod and had few mood swings but wasn't confused like she is now after taking the pill and getting off the liquid steroid My last question is Can steroid pill perscribed by the doctor make you feel confused and act crazy like this? She will be getting theropy on 12th Dec so she has told me. I won't post anymore because this is a forum about body building.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    i hope you get everything worked out bro..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    prednizone... have her taper; is she on over 20mg? Well just cut 5mg per five days until she is completely off.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    The pill is called Oxycontin. She is really confused most of the times and doesn't know what she is doing. Can this drug have that much effect on her? She has been taking it probably about 6 months i think thats when she started to act really weird. I don't think i can reduce it, she will start feeling weird probably dizzy and stuff and getting really angry with everyone. She is also on pain killers and i told her to stop taking them and she got really mad and took it out on eveyone after 4 days and was in alot of pain and then she started to take them again and is calm but still feels weird.
    Last edited by PP007; 12-09-2004 at 10:56 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Oxycontin...bro that’s a pain killer...I very addictive pain killer...



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by PP007
    The pill is called Oxycontin. She is really confused most of the times and doesn't know what she is doing. Can this drug have that much effect on her? She has been taking it probably about 6 months i think thats when she started to act really weird. I don't think i can reduce it, she will start feeling weird probably dizzy and stuff.
    It's a powerful pain killer usually for cronic back pain etc. It's not a steriod. It can be additive.

  16. #16
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by PP007
    Her family gave her a placebo but it didn't work and as for the steroid pill she doesn't need it her hip has heeled but she can't stop taking it because she says she feels weird and thinks shes going to die without it. One day she is fine the next she is in a bad mood she is also on painkilers too and this week i told her to stop taking painkillers and she experienced alot of pain and couldn't move and was really angry and having bad mood swings. I'll try to find out the name of the steriod pill that she is taking and let you all know ASAP. I think the Doctor is giving her the pill i don't really know much because she is in a different country from me and she only told me like few weeks ago about her still taking steroids and on vitamins and painkillers. Thanks for the quick replys and i'll post more info ASAP.
    Sounds like she's addicted to the pain killers. Don't blame the "steroid pill" for her mood swings. The pain killers are probably causing it. Let her doctor know you think she's addicted to them and see what he says.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    hillbilly heroin is its nickname... she probably sh1ts footballs, being on them for any amount of time causes wicked bowel binding.

  18. #18
    The doctor is dumb he shouldn't have given her something so powerful she was on sleeping pills, pain killers, and OxyContin. She got off the sleeping pill like a month ago but she can't get off the pain killers because she had alot of mood swings and was going crazy and thought she was dying. As for OxyContin she can't get off this she feels dizzy and really weird. She told me she might be getting theropy to get off the OxyContin pill sometime next week.
    Last edited by PP007; 12-09-2004 at 11:03 AM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Sounds like she's addicted to the pain killers. Don't blame the "steroid pill" for her mood swings. The pain killers are probably causing it. Let her doctor know you think she's addicted to them and see what he says.
    Thanks for telling me its not steroid problem i'll get her to go to her doctors and see what he says

    Thanks to everyone else for helping me out. Bye and take care.

  20. #20
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by PP007
    Thanks for telling me its not steroid problem i'll get her to go to her doctors and see what he says

    Thanks to everyone else for helping me out. Bye and take care.
    She may not need it but you could call a drug rehab and ask them about the drug. Ask if she's going to have a hard time coming off of it. See what they suggest.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by PP007
    The pill is called Oxycontin. She is really confused most of the times and doesn't know what she is doing. Can this drug have that much effect on her? She has been taking it probably about 6 months i think thats when she started to act really weird. I don't think i can reduce it, she will start feeling weird probably dizzy and stuff and getting really angry with everyone. She is also on pain killers and i told her to stop taking them and she got really mad and took it out on eveyone after 4 days and was in alot of pain and then she started to take them again and is calm but still feels weird.
    You got an addict on your hands. She needs to detox off of that stuff. It is not a steroid but a highly addictive painkiller that has been big in the news for being easily abused. Oxycontin abuse is on the rise and there is a burgeoning street market for this drug.

    TELL HER DOC, RIGHT AWAY. And don't let her hang out with any shady characters in the recreational drug trade cause this stuff is pretty popular and easy to find on the streets these days.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    You got an addict on your hands. She needs to detox off of that stuff. It is not a steroid but a highly addictive painkiller that has been big in the news for being easily abused. Oxycontin abuse is on the rise and there is a burgeoning street market for this drug.

    TELL HER DOC, RIGHT AWAY. And don't let her hang out with any shady characters in the recreational drug trade cause this stuff is pretty popular and easy to find on the streets these days.

    It was the doctor who gave it to her in the first place and the doctor knows he is going to put her in some theropy program next week. The doctor said her medication ends next week or something and she has been taking it since June/July i don't think the Doctor knows what he is doing.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    She may not need it but you could call a drug rehab and ask them about the drug. Ask if she's going to have a hard time coming off of it. See what they suggest.
    Its going to be hard for her i told her to stop taking regular pain killers and she got in a bad mood and was angry and bad towards all her friends too and this was like last week. She is going to theropy next week for a few days and she will be supervised by someone there and will slowly come off the drug.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Oxys are legal heroin, keep that in mind when she is coming off. It's gonna be rough.

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