sup fellas, i thought id spill a little bit of thoughts and life for me onto here, bc it seems everyone is sharing more an more and i consider most if not all of you good friends, so it dont bother me to share. anyway since i decided to start bodybuilding, ive pretty much based everything on that, not really being fair to myself, girls ive dated, my family and the ppl im around. it effects everything im involved with. with the stuff going on around me now, im starting to think more and more about life other than bodybuidling, not giving up, but not making it the only priority i have. alot might wonder why, well after going out with a girl to dinner tonight and just seeing how ive really ****ed up in the past with a few girls, and let some girls who are really of marriage caliber go, made me think that maybe i need to make some changes. so around the end of the meal i told her i didnt have anyting to offer her, and took her home. i have been thinkin more and mor about a girl i dated a almost 2 years ago, so i called her, and ill be dammed but if she hasnt dated anyone and she misses me, so tomorrow im not going to work and im going to go to her house and we are gonna spend the entire day together. since i left and broke everything off with her, i honestly havnt stopped thinkin about her, and missed her alot, and am excited about it and her now. she hasnt dated, just worked alot more and feels the same way. its surprising bc in all honesty i treated her like ****, somehting im not proud of at all, i would drink and treat her like crap, so it amazes me she would give me the time of day. either way, im gonna go pick her up and maybe take off a few days of work and have her come here and stay and hang out. ive honestly never wanted to get married, have kids or any of that stuff, and never thought i would, just latly, with girls, and life and having not alot other than BBing, i keep thinkin, there has to be more to life than bodybuidling and sex with someone i dont give a **** about. anyway, i just wanted to share my epiphany with everyone.