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Thread: univex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    anyone use their primo
    their lab test came back at 141mg on the 150mg primo only 9 off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    That's good


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    That's good

    yeah but they could fake the lab test right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yes anybody can fake lab results....but more than likely it was primo...then after in production lower the amounts or even change the compound all together...JMHO

    good luck with that Primo bro



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by d.b
    Yes anybody can fake lab results....but more than likely it was primo...then after in production lower the amounts or even change the compound all together...JMHO

    good luck with that Primo bro


    yeah but uni is reliable after i get it i will lab test it myself bcuz i will spend around $700 just for the primo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Uni is good to go. I believe I know the source for his primo and it's top notch. Yeah, they could fake the lab tests, but I, personally, don't think that Uni would do that. It's bad business, and from what I've gathered, he's not out to scam and is a solid source.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    Uni is good to go. I believe I know the source for his primo and it's top notch. Yeah, they could fake the lab tests, but I, personally, don't think that Uni would do that. It's bad business, and from what I've gathered, he's not out to scam and is a solid source.

    good happy to hear i have not had real primo in yearssssss!!!!
    i got burnt on that sydgroup garbage primo its all oil no primo
    i used to have a source for real schering primo but that was 3 years ago

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Good primo is hard to come by. I heard about that syd group shat. I think I even remember Wiliiam Llewelyn say that RSOC's primo was fake also...
    All that aside, Uni is solid...Have fun!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    Good primo is hard to come by. I heard about that syd group shat. I think I even remember Wiliiam Llewelyn say that RSOC's primo was fake also...
    All that aside, Uni is solid...Have fun!

    thanks for the info broham

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not a prob. Glad to help.


  11. #11
    If you somsone runs their own lab tests, then they can easily fake them, send in overdosed products, alter the results with photoshop, etc.... They are worthless. Less than worthless, actually.

    When Univex was independantly tested:

    They were significantly underdosed. Until they are independantly and randomly tested again, thats the story with Univex, as far as anybody should be concerned.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I tried...



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    If you somsone runs their own lab tests, then they can easily fake them, send in overdosed products, alter the results with photoshop, etc.... They are worthless. Less than worthless, actually.

    When Univex was independantly tested:

    They were significantly underdosed. Until they are independantly and randomly tested again, thats the story with Univex, as far as anybody should be concerned.
    the lab test they show 141mg/per ml of primo
    so hooker your saying that their primo still could be crappy even though they show lab test

    i need a good answer on this i dont want to lose again
    when syd group introduced primo i spent $1000 on it and it was just oil
    i just want to know if the primo from uni is good (legit)

  14. #14
    I'm saying that anyone can forge tests or send in a product which is acurately dosed, then sell you a product which isn't.

    I'm not saying that Univex has done this, but I am saying they have been tested by a neutral party and were underdosed in that test.

    Several years ago IP ran a test on his Eq and it came out to be 900+mgs/ml. When tested by independant consumers, it came out to be under 200mgs/ml. Who should you believe? Someone with a financial stake in the product, or a neutral party?

    I trust the neutral party, personally.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well said hooker. Perhaps, if someone were to buy a vial of the primo and have it sent to SR for testing, then post the lab test results. I think that would be the best way, personally.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    I'm saying that anyone can forge tests or send in a product which is acurately dosed, then sell you a product which isn't.

    I'm not saying that Univex has done this, but I am saying they have been tested by a neutral party and were underdosed in that test.

    Several years ago IP ran a test on his Eq and it came out to be 900+mgs/ml. When tested by independant consumers, it came out to be under 200mgs/ml. Who should you believe? Someone with a financial stake in the product, or a neutral party?

    I trust the neutral party, personally.
    how underdosed did the primo come up from the neutral test
    their test shows the 150mg/20ml primo came in at 141mg/20ml
    hooker if u can and dont mind telling me how underdosed the primo came in at through neutral test i would appreciate it

  17. #17
    Nobody neutral has tested their Primo.

    Univex's Eq was tested, and it came out around 12% underdosed (50mgs less than claimed).

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    Good to know all this stuff for my christmsas shopping list, dnt want to get junk for christmas.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    so according to the test they show their primo came in 9.5% underdosed
    they claim 150mg/ml it came in at 141/ml thats not bad if the test r legit

  20. #20
    You can check with SRCS. The test is legit and it is posted on our website. That is, if you believe SRCS is legit. I find it difficult to believe they can test illegal substances out in the open anonymously. I would like to see someone test them.

    Also, why would I fake a test that says our product is 9% underdosed? Makes no sense.

    Coincidentally, the Primo was tested before the Boldenone on Synergy. Also, I disagree that we were "significantly undersdosed" in an independent study. I think that is a ridiculous statement. If it was 200mg and claimed 400 I can see. But it was only 14% off. None of the people who used it felt it was "significantly underdosed."

    We have had recent batches of Test Cypionate and Test Prop tested in a local lab and they were 212mg/ml and 107mg/ml respectively. Unfortunately, I can not post those tests as it would compromise the individual who had them done surreptiously.

    I can assure you the primo is real. We have corrected some of the procedures that were causing the slightly lower yield (basically we were not changing filtration soon enough and some active ingredient was being lost).

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I will definitly back Univex up. He has some of the best quality control and customer care methods I have ever seen. I have been happy with all his products I have had so far, and would happily try his Primo with no fear of the doses. EQ came back underdosed a while ago, and that problem has been corrected. Univex is a great UG lab.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Univex
    You can check with SRCS. The test is legit and it is posted on our website. That is, if you believe SRCS is legit. I find it difficult to believe they can test illegal substances out in the open anonymously. I would like to see someone test them.

    Coincidentally, the Primo was tested before the Boldenone on Synergy.

    How to fake a test and have SRCS still verify it's validity:

    Send SRCS an overdosed product.

    A few years ago IP's Eq was tested at SRCS to be 900mgs/ml+. What happened? An IP remailer simply sent in pure Eq (which is liquid at room temperature), and claimed it was IP's actual Eq product. It wasn't. It's very easy to send in a properly (or overly) dosed product and claim it's a random one out of your product line.

    I'm not, however, saying you did so. I'm simply saying that a test sent in and paid for by the UGLab being tested is useless unless you trust the lab anyway. And if you trust them anyway, why bother with the test?

    Also, I disagree that we were "significantly undersdosed" in an independent study. I think that is a ridiculous statement. If it was 200mg and claimed 400 I can see. But it was only 14% off. ."
    I consider that significant. Maybe I simply have higher standards.

    I believe Univex makes a quality product, but in this case (Eq)it was underdosed. And as far as trusting tests sent in and paid for by a lab who is testing their own products...well...thats simply absurd for an educated consumer to do.

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