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Thread: Cutting question

  1. #1

    Cutting question

    Im looking to start cutting in a couple weeks. Im going to run clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, with an ECA stack on the off weeks. I dont neet to cut down too much, so I will only be running clen a total of 4 weeks, and the same with the ECA. I have no desire to run any AS, but I want to keep as much muscle as possible. I've done several cycles of PH's in the past, so Id be willing to run that if i need to. Any suggestions on how to keep all if not most of my muscle while on clen???

    300 g protien
    175-200 g carbs
    tryin to stay pretty low on the fat, maybe some flax seed oil
    5-6 meals a day

    maybe some glutamine

    BTW, im 6'5'', 250-55, aprox. 13% BF

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    check out the cutting sticky in the diet forum

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