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Thread: How Long should your first Course go for???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Exclamation How Long should your first Course go for???

    Just wanted to know everyone's views on how long a AS course for a begginer should be for 8 , 10 weeks etc.

    and at what strength mg wise

    Also any info on your first course results and sides would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    10-12 weeks.350mg-500 mg of test e.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    10 weeks. 400-500mg/wk. of Test(oil---enan.,cyp.,sus.,etc...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleone
    10 weeks. 400-500mg/wk. of Test(oil---enan.,cyp.,sus.,etc...)
    This is what I would go for as well. Sides pretty much depends on the individual, some get them and some dont. Good idea to have Anit-E's available just in case

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    10 to 12 weeks, say 10 to be on the safe side. My first cycle is 10 weeks, Test E, 4 weeks Dbol..etc...

  6. #6
    I disagree a bit. I think 500 is too much. For my first cycle I used 250mg/week of test e for 15 weeks. I got excellent results, with almost no bloat, and the gains were very easy to keep. I went from 190 to 215 with 9% bf. I have now done 10 cycles and still use low doses. I never go over 600 mg/wk. I still usually use 250 mg/wk of test and add 50 mg of winstrol ED. I'm not a monster, but I am very cut and have good size at 215 pounds. I think dosages all depend on what your goals are. But IMO I would keep dosages as low as possible for first time usage. You don't know how your body is going to react and you don't know how difficult is going to be for you to get your natural test going again.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I disagree a bit. I think 500 is too much. For my first cycle I used 250mg/week of test e for 15 weeks. I got excellent results, with almost no bloat, and the gains were very easy to keep. I went from 190 to 215 with 9% bf. I have now done 10 cycles and still use low doses. I never go over 600 mg/wk. I still usually use 250 mg/wk of test and add 50 mg of winstrol ED. I'm not a monster, but I am very cut and have good size at 215 pounds. I think dosages all depend on what your goals are. But IMO I would keep dosages as low as possible for first time usage. You don't know how your body is going to react and you don't know how difficult is going to be for you to get your natural test going again.
    I agree. Low dosages will help you see what works for YOU. Why use 500 when 300 will give you the same results? See what I mean?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Ist cycle


    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I disagree a bit. I think 500 is too much. For my first cycle I used 250mg/week of test e for 15 weeks. I got excellent results, with almost no bloat, and the gains were very easy to keep. I went from 190 to 215 with 9% bf. I have now done 10 cycles and still use low doses. I never go over 600 mg/wk. I still usually use 250 mg/wk of test and add 50 mg of winstrol ED. I'm not a monster, but I am very cut and have good size at 215 pounds. I think dosages all depend on what your goals are. But IMO I would keep dosages as low as possible for first time usage. You don't know how your body is going to react and you don't know how difficult is going to be for you to get your natural test going again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    I also used a low dosage of test enan. my first cycle(200mg/wk for 10 weeks). It's probably a good idea to see how your body is going to react the first time to the A.S. at a lower dose. Although I've seen lots of guys use 500mg/wk their first cycle without any problems and good gains. I don't mean to be contradictive but it's something you have to ultimately decide. Good luck...

  10. #10
    Many people do 10 weeks of test e/c at 500mg a week. Taking a shot of 250mg once every 3-4 days. This is a good newb cycle, it gives you a feel for it all.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    great state of texas
    back too your question it all depends on the gear you are useing which is???????

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sust should be shot twice a week or more. Since it is more convenient to use up an entire amp in an injection, it practically is a given that a sust cycle would be 500mg/week or 250mg every 3 days or 250 every other day. So that is a drawback with sustanon... it is not the best for a light cycle. My first cycle was 500sust/400deca and looking back, I wish I had saved the money by doing 250mg enanth or cyp and 200 deca, or just dropped the deca all together. I would have been able to finance two good cycles, that way.

    My rec would be to do 250mg/week of enanthate or cypionate for 14 weeks. There should not be a problem with gyno at that dosage. Nevertheless, be sure you have enough anti-estrogens for the length of your cycle, figuring 10mg/day of nolvadex or equivelant. You don't need to take it unless you get itchy, weeping, painful, or swollen nips. If you do, take it and don't stop taking it until the end of pct.

    Be sure you up your calories and protein. You MUST be in a caloric surplus condition to get the best potential gains. Buckle up and figure you will add a few pounds of fat as well as muscle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    250 may do the trick. I was curious to see whether 250 or 500 would be the right thing for me, FOR NOW, Ive decided on 500.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    hey im on my first cycle ,im in my 7th week, im going 12 weeks , got all my ancillaries on hand and pct

    train,eat,sleep all you need in life:P

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the great white north
    D-bol 40mg ed wk1-4, prop 100mg ed wk1-10, pct

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    12 weeks cycle 500-600mg Test E/Cyp. Doctors around here only run people on 20+ week cycles with a minimum of 750mg Test.

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