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Thread: Just got me some tren E, How would you run it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Just got me some tren E, How would you run it?

    Its 250mg/ml... I have run tren before... 75mg/day... soooo about 500 a week? + some test... Enth or cyp... is my fav..750mg- 1 gram?... Just curious... never run tren e before. I have been around bros..+ EQ? + Deca... +GH... Whatcha think... I know what I want to do.. I just want to know if you're right....

    Seriously.. If you had Tren e, T-Cyp, T-Enth, prop, GH, IGF, Deca, EQ all on hand What would you do as someone that has a few under thier belts? Oh yea, Clomid, Nov, Idex, HCG, Clen, T3, Proviron, and some Proscar... Not that I have all that... but if you did, what would you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Its 250mg/ml... I have run tren before... 75mg/day... soooo about 500 a week? + some test... Enth or cyp... is my fav..750mg- 1 gram?... Just curious... never run tren e before. I have been around bros..+ EQ? + Deca... +GH... Whatcha think... I know what I want to do.. I just want to know if you're right....

    Seriously.. If you had Tren e, T-Cyp, T-Enth, prop, GH, IGF, Deca, EQ all on hand What would you do as someone that has a few under thier belts? Oh yea, Clomid, Nov, Idex, HCG, Clen, T3, Proviron, and some Proscar... Not that I have all that... but if you did, what would you
    1-15 test enth 250mg twice week then week 3 switch to 750 enth
    1-4 100mg eod prop
    1-14 250mg EQ twice week
    9-16 tren e 250mg twice wk
    4iu GH a day
    10mg nolva
    1.25 l-dex eod
    I would not run the deca because of the tren and prolatin....
    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I likey

  4. #4
    1-4 Prop 150mg/EOD or 75mg/ED
    1-16 Test E 750mg/wk
    1-14 EQ 500mg/wk
    1-10 Tren E 500mg/wk

    *note* I put the Tren E earlier in the cycle so that way you can recover easier than if you stopped the Tren E the same time as the Test. If you stop the Tren E earlier than the test it will make your recovery easier. It will take 4 weeks for the Tren E to kick in and 2 weeks to clear, just like Test E. Also since its the same ester as Test E you should run it 10 weeks IMHO.

    4iu GH a day
    10mg nolva
    1.25 l-dex eod

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