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Thread: AAS and drugs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    AAS and drugs

    Me and a friend had a disscussion about this the other day. How bad is taking perscription meds during an AAS cycle. He claims occasionally taking perscription meds like xanax, perks, valium, ect... isnt that bad for you when only taking an injectable steriod only. He also said that if you double your milk thistle doseage and youll be fine. I allways understood that any drug like that durring a cycle was horrible for you. Would they affect muscle growth if taking occasionally? How much damage would be done to you if you took them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I'm prescribed xanax, they've never done any damage to me. The problem with prescription drugs is that they can be addictive. As long as you take as your doctor tells you to, you'll be fine.

    However, tranq's like xanax shouldnt be used before weight training... obviously.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    yah my boy was telling me that they werent bad for you I dunno I'm not perscribed them just I used to take meds while drinking like most ppl do just to get f'd up. I'm still gonna stay away from all that sh*t durring cycle.

  4. #4
    Benzos like Xanax actually raise endo test levels, not that it matters if you're injecting exogenous test but it shouldn't do any harm. They are addictive, though, as are opiates (percs, etc), and can seriously hinder your training if you take them during the day.

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