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Thread: left side more developed???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Unhappy left side more developed???

    hey guys...quick ?? seems as though my left side of my body is slightly more developed than my right chest is a lil is a lil more is my bicep...left has a lil more there anything i can do to correct in a workout..maybe doin more presses with my right side(like a chest press)...after im done with my chest routine...please any info would be left handed so i figure thats the tryin to use my right hand more often....thanx guys....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You should of posted this in the workout section....You will get more help...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yes get someone to spot you with a few extra eccentric (negative) reps with you weak side, each session.... and it will start to come up.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    MAn I have the same damn prob on my right side ,entirely all over, is just stronger and slighty thicker than my left. Bro, I think alot of people are like that...they may just not want to admit it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    it's pretty normal. just give it time and they'll eventually even out more, but you'll never be perfectly symetrical

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Do more single arm excercises whenever you can. if you're doing bar curls, for example, your strong side can be doing more work than your weak side. If you are doing individual barbells, however, then each arm has to pull its own weight with no cheating from the stronger arm. I used to always strain my stronger tricep doing triangle cable push downs. I started doing more individual tricep excercises and can see a difference.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    that avarter looks like something off of that show on mtv caleed jackass i think. a very funny show i must admit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    tha south
    i have the same problem my WHOLE left side is bigger trap,chest,bis,lat...wth...and the funny thing is im right handed????ive just started doing a couple more reps on my right right lat has pretty much caught up and so has my trap, but my chest and bi have a litle more work to do. So dont worry bro u aint the only one.Peace

  9. #9
    I think we all have this problem with the dominant side of our bodies, but I don't think that chest excercises should ever be done one side at a time. When you workout just concentrate on the weak side of your body. Like when I curl now I look at my left arm and it makes a whole lot of difference.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Same here left pec less developed, left arm more developed, left quad less developed, left calf more developed... bodybuilding aint easy that's for sure.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    thanx guys...its nice to know im not the only one out there....i will try to concentrate more on my right side and do more dumbell exercises...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have the same issues...In my case I think it is cause I have one arm a bit longer than the other and one leg a bit longer than the other and it throws me off a little...I used to be stronger and bigger all on the right side and I always concentrated so much on my left side (through doing extra single arm sets and also through making sure it was doing its share on double arm movements) and now most of my left side muscles are just as strong-- but the muscles look different when I flex them (like they are a more cut, but a bit smaller)...So, anyway, the point is try to concentrate a little more on the weak side and it will start to even itself out, but maybe never be perfect.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re:Eccentric Reps

    illuzions you asked me about eccentric reps. I thought I would post it in the thread.

    There are diifferent phases of contraction :

    Positive phase(concentric contraction): This is where the Prime mover/s and associated muscles for the movement are shortening.
    Eg: When you are doing a bicep curl and the dumbbell is moving towards your chest. Main muscle (prime mover):Bicep
    When you are doing a Bench press and the Bar is moving away from your chest. Main muscle (prime mover):Pec

    Negitive phase (Eccentric contraction): This is where the Prime mover/s and associated muscles for the movement are lenthening. Your muscles are stronger in this phase.
    Eg: When you are doing a bicep curl and you/gravity are lowering the weight back down to your crouch area. Main muscle (prime mover):Bicep
    When you are doing a Bench Press and you/gravity are lowering the bar down to your chest. Main muscle (prime mover):Pec

    Isometric contraction : This is when you are contracting your muscle but it is not shortening or lengthening.
    Eg when you flex, that is an isometric contraction.

    Now when I talk about doing extra negitives for your week side, I mean:
    Say you are doing Dumbbell bicep curls(with a spotter) and you left side is the weaker one, pick a weight you can do say 8 reps of. Do your curls (alternate bi curls) when you left runs out of gas, you spotter helps you lift the weight up (so you skip through the concentric phase) then UNDER CONTROL, you lower the weight. Actually by this stage you will be fucked,.. but you have to fight the weight,.. lower the DB as slow as you can.

    Then again get your spotter to help you to get the weight up. This is called forced reps. This will increase the strenght of your weak side over time,.. and you are taking past what it can naturally lift. I suggest only doing about 3 extra reps like this. Also make sure you are getting enough recovery between sets. And between gym sessions.

    I now have to do this I had a extremely balanced physique before my accident,... NOT ANYMORE.... I lost almost all of my bracio-radials(a muscle that helps you flex your elbow) So I can say bye bye to symetry in my arms! An I will have to move in to some Pre-exhaust training to correctly train my back after loosing 1 of my elbow flexors.

    Hope this helped... keep training and take it easy.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    it definitly did help...thanx for all the great info..ill have to get started on it right away.....i hope everything goes well with u also....

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