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Thread: how does this look...commentsplease

  1. #1

    Cool how does this look...commentsplease

    I am about to start this cycle on monday does this look?
    wk1-4 40mgd-bol
    wk1-8 400mgdeca
    wk8-12 300mgprimo
    wk8-12 40mg/day mestanolon(methyldht)
    Now my question is do i start the clomid 2weeks after last inject of primo or sooner than that,,,Also is 300mg/wk enough primo or should in go 400mg.27yrs old 3rd cycle 5'10'' 185lbs 9%bodyfat 7 years experience "comments welcome"

  2. #2

    come on...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    if you can afford it I'd say 400mgs of primo. Im interested on how your results will be. make sure you keep a journal of your progress. if this this your 3rd cycle you might want to have 500mgs of test instead of 400mgs.

  4. #4
    SICK FUCK!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i am not to sure and want to know myself as i am doing sus500 and deca 400 for 8weeks and want to run primo starting from week 8 for a few weeks, but i am not to sure how long to run the primo for as i want to take the clomid at the right time, so do i take the clomid 3 weeks after the last sus deca shot, or 10days after my last primo shot.
    i was going to take deca and sus weeks 1-8 primo weeks 8-10 and start clomid week 10. 5
    any help here would be helpful, as i d,ont want to fuck up here and lose my gains, as its very imprtant to me to keep my gains after the cycle.

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