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Thread: Wine as a drink

  1. #1

    Wine as a drink

    I'm on a cutting diet and its been very affective for the last 12 weeks..

    At the moment I'm running the eca stack and t3.

    Last night I decided to endulge a bit and go out with the guys.. I must of had close to a bottle of red wine.. Being that I make Sunday's my cheat day, I decided to get a few slices of pizza on my way home (4am) and not cheat for the rest of the day.

    I mean I know that the best thing was to come home and down a protein shake but I don't think I would had been able to stomach it..

    I feel fine right now and I had a musclemmilk shake with some dry fruit and banana upon wakening..

    I don't really freak out about my diet but should I go do some cardio later to burn some of the pizza off?

    Thanks for your feedback.. This must be a stupid thread but I wanted to know what some of you do when this happens

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    SW FL
    ur fine

  3. #3
    Everyone lapses from time to time, don't worry about it.

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