Sup fells. I am going on my 2nd cycle, and I have heard one too many good things about tren. People are saying it is just off the hook. So, i am going to give it a try. How does this cycle look?
10 week cycle
1-10 Test E 250mg (M, Th) 500 mgs total/wk
1-8 Trenabol-BD 75mg (M, W, F, Su) 300 mgs total/wk
Day 1-30: 100mg Clomid ED
Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva ED
I am 24, 5'8, 170 lbs, ~11%. Want to get to about 180@9%!
Oh, and one more source has 10ml vials consisting of 750mgs each @ $150. Is this considered expensive, normal, or cheap? Thanks in advance