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Thread: 2nd Cycle...I am going to give Tren a try!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    2nd Cycle...I am going to give Tren a try!!

    Sup fells. I am going on my 2nd cycle, and I have heard one too many good things about tren. People are saying it is just off the hook. So, i am going to give it a try. How does this cycle look?

    10 week cycle

    1-10 Test E 250mg (M, Th) 500 mgs total/wk
    1-8 Trenabol-BD 75mg (M, W, F, Su) 300 mgs total/wk

    Day 1-30: 100mg Clomid ED
    Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva ED

    I am 24, 5'8, 170 lbs, ~11%. Want to get to about 180@9%!

    Oh, and one more source has 10ml vials consisting of 750mgs each @ $150. Is this considered expensive, normal, or cheap? Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Should use the tren during week 4-12 , so you can start your pct in week 13
    Give it a start whit D-bol 1-4.
    And Trenabol-BD is a good but expensive lab.
    good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by t.o
    Should use the tren during week 4-12 , so you can start your pct in week 13
    Give it a start whit D-bol 1-4.
    And Trenabol-BD is a good but expensive lab.
    good luck!
    I have done much research, and have yet to see a test/tren cycle put together like that..Have you tried it this way? thanks

  4. #4
    Your cycle looks good, it's good to run the test a few weeks past the tren. It makes pct easier. Your source is jacking you, bro. It should cost about half that. Find a new source.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Or make it yourself....and save bundles

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CrossroadS
    Or make it yourself....and save bundles
    And how in the hell do you do that??

    As far as my source..yes, he is expensive. Wish me luck in trying to find a new one..It usually doesnt work out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Reelmuscle
    And how in the hell do you do that??

    As far as my source..yes, he is expensive. Wish me luck in trying to find a new one..It usually doesnt work out

    Spend about two months in the anabolic laboratory. Finish your current cycle so you can grow some balls, and brew your own gear....

    Or don't if you don't have time, or don't think you are competent.

    I for one, didn't have time, but it sounded so fun, I made my own time....good decision. I used the money i saved to buy food. Yay

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CrossroadS
    Spend about two months in the anabolic laboratory. Finish your current cycle so you can grow some balls, and brew your own gear....

    Or don't if you don't have time, or don't think you are competent.

    I for one, didn't have time, but it sounded so fun, I made my own time....good decision. I used the money i saved to buy food. Yay
    I am not on a cycle righ tnow. Can you direct me to a link as to where i can read about how to make tren at home?? Thanks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Reelmuscle
    Sup fells. I am going on my 2nd cycle, and I have heard one too many good things about tren. People are saying it is just off the hook. So, i am going to give it a try. How does this cycle look?

    10 week cycle

    1-10 Test E 250mg (M, Th) 500 mgs total/wk
    1-8 Trenabol-BD 75mg (M, W, F, Su) 300 mgs total/wk

    Day 1-30: 100mg Clomid ED
    Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva ED

    I am 24, 5'8, 170 lbs, ~11%. Want to get to about 180@9%!

    Oh, and one more source has 10ml vials consisting of 750mgs each @ $150. Is this considered expensive, normal, or cheap? Thanks in advance
    Everything looks in order for the most part bro....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Everything looks in order for the most part bro....
    "For the most part"? What would you change?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Look in the anabolic laboratory forum. Lots of cool stuff there. You COULD make your own test propionate and your own trenbolone acetate out of cattle implants, and do a cycle with just that, if you don't mind jabbing every day. Homebrewing from cattle implants costs a lot more than using powder, but it is a lot cheaper than your source. LOTS cheaper than your source. Kinda fun, too. Check in there, lurk for a few weeks, read all the FAQs and recipes until you have a basic understanding. The newbie questions are already answered, mostly in the stickies. Make SURE you understand, though, before you actually start making stuff that you will be injecting! Also, this doesn't mean anything to you now, and this is not the forum to discuss it, but I highly recommend making crystal fina rather than ordinary fina. Better purity. Regular fina has a lot of cellulose, dyes, stuf like that in it. Lots of guys shoot that stuff, and I am using it now, but probably not the best thing. I got powder made up for my next fina cycle, and I will never make oldfashioned fina again. Another bit of advice... don't use a kit. Buy all your ingredients and supplies seperately. You have better control over the final product and it is cheaper in the long run.

    Another warning... watch out for all the guys who PM you when they know, from your posts, that you don't have a good source. Lots of scammers out there on the lookout for desperate customers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    in my opinion use tren and test for the 10 weeks than pct, dont use nolv in your pct just during the 10 weeks and only if you start to get side effects

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Look in the anabolic laboratory forum. Lots of cool stuff there. You COULD make your own test propionate and your own trenbolone acetate out of cattle implants, and do a cycle with just that, if you don't mind jabbing every day. Homebrewing from cattle implants costs a lot more than using powder, but it is a lot cheaper than your source. LOTS cheaper than your source. Kinda fun, too. Check in there, lurk for a few weeks, read all the FAQs and recipes until you have a basic understanding. The newbie questions are already answered, mostly in the stickies. Make SURE you understand, though, before you actually start making stuff that you will be injecting! Also, this doesn't mean anything to you now, and this is not the forum to discuss it, but I highly recommend making crystal fina rather than ordinary fina. Better purity. Regular fina has a lot of cellulose, dyes, stuf like that in it. Lots of guys shoot that stuff, and I am using it now, but probably not the best thing. I got powder made up for my next fina cycle, and I will never make oldfashioned fina again. Another bit of advice... don't use a kit. Buy all your ingredients and supplies seperately. You have better control over the final product and it is cheaper in the long run.

    Another warning... watch out for all the guys who PM you when they know, from your posts, that you don't have a good source. Lots of scammers out there on the lookout for desperate customers.
    Thanks for the help, buddy!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thanks everyone for their input

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Reelmuscle
    Sup fells. I am going on my 2nd cycle, and I have heard one too many good things about tren. People are saying it is just off the hook. So, i am going to give it a try. How does this cycle look?

    10 week cycle

    1-10 Test E 250mg (M, Th) 500 mgs total/wk
    1-8 Trenabol-BD 75mg (M, W, F, Su) 300 mgs total/wk

    Day 1-30: 100mg Clomid ED
    Day 1-30: 20mg Nolva ED

    I am 24, 5'8, 170 lbs, ~11%. Want to get to about 180@9%!

    Oh, and one more source has 10ml vials consisting of 750mgs each @ $150. Is this considered expensive, normal, or cheap? Thanks in advance

    At 24 years of age and your weight to hight ratio, you can easily put on ten lbs naturally by modifying your diet and training.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ok guys..I purchased omnas instead..It was so cheap. $6/, i decided to go with them little suckers. Now, here is the deal. I have 24 omna amps (250mh each) and getting tren acetate on the way. Would it be ok to do the cycle like this...

    wk 1-10: Omnadren 250mg E3D
    wk 1-8: Tren-100mg E3D

    This way I will just inject the Tren on the same days i inject the test. Again, this is my 2nd cycle and first time tren user.

    Will this be ok? Or do you advise another pattern? Thanks
    Last edited by Reelmuscle; 05-03-2005 at 08:48 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    I plan on doing a very similar cycle shortly, except I will be shooting tren ed. This will be my first time w/ tren too. Most people say they get less sides by shooting ed.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    I plan on doing a very similar cycle shortly, except I will be shooting tren ed. This will be my first time w/ tren too. Most people say they get less sides by shooting ed.

    How would someone guy about doing a omna/tren cycle? I got 24 amps because i wanted to do 10 wks of test shooting e3d. that yields 24
    amps. So, is the only way to go about this is shoot tren eod while shooting test e3d? Would it make sense if i wanted to do the above?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Shoot tren acetate ED. Omnadren, EOD.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ok, so it would look like this doing a omna/tren cycle. the weeks are seperated by the dash. 8 weeks tren, 10 weeks omnadren

    Tren 75mg EOD m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa.

    Omna 250mg E3D m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su.

    Is this ok?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Shoot tren acetate ED. Omnadren, EOD.
    So everyday at 75mg? or should i lower the dosage since it is ed?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Im gonna do 50mg ed. Thats 350mg/wk. 75 ed is 525mg/wk, which would be more than the test

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    Im gonna do 50mg ed. Thats 350mg/wk. 75 ed is 525mg/wk, which would be more than the test
    are you using a long acting ester or short acting ester(like the omna)? Are you doing the tren for 8 wks also?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Im gonna run test e at 500 mg/wk. I'll probably do 10 weeks on tren and 12-13 on test e. I might shoot 50mg of prop ed for the first four weeks too

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    cool..good luck with it

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Reelmuscle
    Ok, so it would look like this doing a omna/tren cycle. the weeks are seperated by the dash. 8 weeks tren, 10 weeks omnadren

    Tren 75mg EOD m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa - m,w,f,su - t,th,sa.

    Omna 250mg E3D m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su - w,sa - t,fr - m,th,su.

    Is this ok?
    Ok, if i were to take an alternative route to Oman eod and tren ed, is the above ok?? Man, that is a whole lot of poking..wheww!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Reelmuscle
    So everyday at 75mg? or should i lower the dosage since it is ed?
    You can try 75mg/ED. Tren Acetate has a very short half-life. If side effects become intolerable, simply drop the dose to 50mg/ED and see if things get better for you. They should, within days. Or the other way around: try 50mg first and be openminded about increasing the dose if it seems like the thing to do. The cost/benefit curve of tren dosages is pretty narrow. It is easy to take so little that gains are not noticeable. It is also easy to take enough to have troublesome sides. The range of effective and safe dosages, then, is pretty narrow and you will want to tinker for best effect. If no sides are noticed, increase until they are, then back off until they are tolerable, and you have, IMHO, your ideal dose. You SHOULD see some decent gains with 50mg/ED. You can PROBABLY tolerate 75mg/ED. But it is an individual thing, of course, and you have to figure this out for yourself. Contrast this with test, for example... the same person might see significant gains on 300mg/week, and the same person might be able to tolerate 3000mg/week. Much bigger spread than tren.

    The side effect to watch for the most is probably short temper. This is one of the few drugs that can really give you a good case of the infamous "roid rage", which elsewise is mostly just urban legend. If you are having a hard time staying cool when the bozos are messing with you, then you should redoce your tren a bit... otherwise you could end up in jail, ending your cycle without pct. Bummer. Zero test? Estrogen backlash? Jail? Not a very good combination if you want to keep your anal virginity, I am guessing. Another side to watch for is acne. Who needs acne? I have had hardly a pimple since I was 17 or so. I would hate to start getting them now, 30 years later.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    thanks buddy

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