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Thread: HOLY SH*T!! DId I get lucky or what?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    HOLY SH*T!! DId I get lucky or what?!?!

    Yep. I almost went to jail for a loooong time the other day. Here's how it goes...It's long...but read it. It really scared the sh*t out of me!!!

    Monday night, I get into an argument with my girl. We're practically engaged so it's never something that we can't work out. But to make a REAL long story into just a long one, I'll spare the details and get right to the point.
    The outcome of the argument was that I was going to go and stay with a buddy of mine for a day or two and let things cool down a bit. So Monday night I packed up everything that I'd need for a 3-4 day stay with a friend.
    It consisted of...1 "roll-away" type airline luggage box (you know the type), 1 large leather shoulder duffle, my back pack for the gym...towel, straps, gloves, wrist straps, Icy Hot..etc, 1 acoustic guitar, and of course 1 Eddie Bauer Lap Top computer bag...the contents of this bag included approximately 200mL of homebrew Tren ace, about 60 mL of Prop, and about 60 mL of Suspension. Besides that, there was the usual...some 1" 25 ga pins, 1 1/2 23 ga pins, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, some extra whatman filters...nothing real big. WHY I Decided I needed to bring it ALL with me, I still don't know. But lesson learned in the end regardless.
    Anyway, I pack it all up in my truck Tuesday morning and head off to work. Prior arrangements for where I would stay have already been made by now. I came back to my place on my lunch break to grab a Visa card that I forgot on my dresser. My girl isn't here she's at work. So I made dinner here and everything is fine. Now I leave to go back to work...I pull out and I'm driving down the road. It's 4 lanes...2 lanes in each direction and it's a 40MPH speed zone. The road is a straight shot about a mile long before I have to turn. So as soon as I pull out, I can see the COP coming down the road right at me. Nothing illegal has been done at this point...
    I continue driving right at him. Both of us are in the inside lanes respective to our direction of traffic. I'm not stupid, I saw him right away so obviously I'm not going to do anything wrong. We get closer to each other...Just to be sure, I glance down at my speedometer and I'm DEAD NUTS 40 MPH. No worries. We pass each other and he's f*cking starring RIGHT AT ME the whole time we pass?!?! So obviously the first reflex after we pass each other is to look in the rear view mirror...especially when I get a stare like that!!! So I look in the mirror...YEP! F*cking A!! He's whipping around behind me!! WTF?!?!? I didn't do anything wrong!!!! But I can't help being a little bit nervous, knowing what's sitting in my back seat could put me in jail for quite a while, NOR could I stop this incredible Adrenaline rush that's taking over my body. So I turn on the next possible side street and he's right there behind me, and he pulls me over. WHAT DO YOU DO???? Should I f*cking get out and run? I know I can beat his @ss in a foot race, but it's 1:30 in the afternoon on a beautiful sunlit day...I'm not exactly going to be able to disappear in some shadow!! AND...I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!! So I just sat there and waited. But knowing that there's potential for something TERRIBLE to happen, I start sending my girl a text...
    He comes up to the car and says..."do you know why I pulled you over?"
    I said, "No, actaully I don't, but I'd like to know". Not cocky, but assertive...remember, I haven't done anything wrong!! He said, "You're missing your front lisence plate..Iowa law states that you need one on the front AND the rear of your vehicle". F*CK!!! So he asks for my DL, registration and proof of insurance. I cooperate and give him my VALID DL, MY VALID REGISTRATION, AND MY VALID INSURANCE CARD! He goes back to the car to run my info, so I continue to send my text to my girl. It says..."Baby, I just got pulled over and I have ALL of my stuff!!! I might be in some deep sh*t". I sent it thinking "worse case scenario" in my head...if all goes well, I can call her and tell her it was nothing, but better safe than sorry.
    While I'm waiting, ANOTHER police car pulls up behind the first car. I know that this is not good. Why would they need 2 cops if this was a routine trafic stop? Something isn't right here!!! So I send another text saying "I just got busted and I'm going to jail, I'll call as soon as I can." The original officer comes up to my truck with the new officer behind him and asks me to step out of the vehicle.
    Here's where it really gets sh*tty for me...
    He says, our records indicate that you have a suspended lisence for FAILURE TO RENEW SR22 (high risk) insurance. I'm required to carry it through September of this year. BUT...I HAVE IT. I F*CKING GAVE HIM THE PROOF!!! So I explained to him that I have it, and he saw it himself. He said..." I know. I even had dispatch call and verify the policy number and that it was in fact SR22, and you DO have it, but our records...ACCORDING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION...indicate that you are suspended, so I have to take you to jail". TAKE ME TO F*CKING JAIL!!!
    It gets worse. In Iowa, any time there is an arrest made, they are required to search the vehicle!! OH F*CK!! He asks, "Is there anything illegal in the vehicle that I need to know about before we search it?" I said no, have at it. He cuffs me, and puts me in the back of the car. I'm sitting there watching 2 cops search my vehicle and I know D@MN well what they're about to find... The thoughts are going throuh my head now...
    Well let's see, I've just lost my girl, my job (I'm an Engineer), my vehicle, my juice, my family will kill me, any chance I EVER had of gaining custody of my as I know it for me is OVER!!! I'm watching them...PRAYING for something to happen!! A murder near by, a robbery in progress, a f*cking lighting bolt to hit my truck ANYTHING!!! PLEASE!!!
    They're still searching...
    Then...One officer rolls up the window, and locks the doors and shuts it. The other officer is on his way back to the car with me in it, He's got in his hand, my cell phone (Which by the way, I was smart enough to erase the texts as soon as I sent them) and my money clip. The other officer makes sure that all of the doors are locked and brings the keys to the arresting officer...WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?!?! Am I going to jail for possesion? The amount that I had possesion of...and the fact that a majority of it's obviously homebrewed...What are they going to charge me with? Posession of a controlled substance, MANUFACTURING A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, INTENT TO DELIVER?!!? I don't know Iowa law that well in regards to AAS, but they're d*cks about everything else, ESPECIALLY NOW THAT STEROIDS SEEM TO BE A TOPIC OF DESTRUCTION IN EVERY MAJOR MAGAZINE AND EVERY LOCAL, STATEWIDE, OR NATIONAL NEWS PROGRAM!!! I can't imagine that I'm going to get off with anything less that a year or more in prison!!!

    They went through ALL of my luggage, opened up my Gym bag, under the seats, glove compartment, visors, center council EVEN MY F*CKING GUITAR CASE...THEY LOOKED EVERYWHERE...but for some reason, they chose not to look in the most "suspicious" looking bag in the vehicle! Bros...they didn't find it! They didn't find it!!! HOLY SH*T THEY DIDN'T FIND IT!!! SO...for the first time in my life...maybe even history...a man laughed ALL THE WAY TO JAIL, and I was MORE than happy to take a driving while suspended ticket. I was in jail for 2 hours and was released on promise to appear!! THEY DIDN'T F*CKING FIND IT!!! It was RIGHT THERE IN THE BACK SEAT!!! NOT HIDDEN AT ALL!!! I could not believe the luck that shined on me that day!!! To add a little spite to it...I bought a lottery ticket later that day hoping that luck hadn't left me just yet!
    So just to clear it up...the reason why I was suspended was TOTAL BULLSH*T! My insurance policies are 6 month policies...what had happened policy ran out in at the end of March, and the next policy that I started didn't take effect until April 1. So technically there was about a 3 day period where I wasn't covered by SR22, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS PAID IN ADVANCE...I was still suspended. My court date is this coming Tuesday at 1:30. I'll get off with no fines.
    Life is good. Lesson learned...THAT'S ONE CYCLE THAT SHOULDN'T BE ON THE ROAD!!! I win.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    one lucky mofo......why didnt you have your front liscense plate?? if transporting your gear, make sure EVERYTHING is perfect with the car......couldve been a lot worse

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    that was a close one bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    u need to do a proper pre-trip on your vehicle b4 driving it... .. yeah like anybody does that...
    what size were the bacon strips in your underwear after this happened???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    u need to do a proper pre-trip on your vehicle b4 driving it... .. yeah like anybody does that...
    what size were the bacon strips in your underwear after this happened???

    LMAO!!! 3" X 1" Pretty good sized!!!

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Sick story Bro, I think I would have had a heartattack!!!Lesson learned, good luck with the other **** too!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Unbelievable...consider yourself
    lucky,dump that broad..even if your
    engaged. Find a buddy to get away
    for a while...and clear your head.
    Karma...It wasnt your turn...or something

  8. #8
    what did your girl say?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ..oohhhh let her beg for
    a while..U know she will

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SS1476
    ..oohhhh let her beg for
    a while..U know she will

    HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! That's funny sh*t. She actually didn't even want me to leave, but I made the decision that maybe a couple days a part would be good. She couldn't believe it when I told her. She's actually theone who came and picked me up from jail. And she almost sh*t when I told her the story. We've been great ever since. Kinda put things into perspective for both of us a little bit...when you realize that you almost lost it all.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! That's funny sh*t. She actually didn't even want me to leave, but I made the decision that maybe a couple days a part would be good. She couldn't believe it when I told her. She's actually theone who came and picked me up from jail. And she almost sh*t when I told her the story. We've been great ever since. Kinda put things into perspective for both of us a little bit...when you realize that you almost lost it all.
    I knew bro..they all talk tough
    bad thing is, your always going to
    be bumping heads. But it's all in
    the me, Im there lol

    Good Luck, let her beg....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Some sh!t like that happened to me once...just dropped off the new girl and was on the way home from a Wings game with a crotch full of "questionable research powder". Anyway...I had a suspended licence because an EX BEE-HOTCH didn't pay a parking ticket at an airport and I didn't even know about it (I travel alot). My saving grace was the fact that I got pulled over in one city, and the ticket was issued in another. The first set of cops didn't cuff me, and when the issuing city came to pick me up, I had the stuff between my index and forefinger (middle?) and ditched it in the transfer...behind the expert drug spotters front tire!!

    Glad to hear you made it out without incident bro. Makes you kind of laugh, doesn't it?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Outside the walls
    With Iowa cops...Yeah you got lucky...It's a sign don't drive with **** like that in your car anymore...Iam sure youve seen that sign after this...

  14. #14
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! That's funny sh*t. She actually didn't even want me to leave, but I made the decision that maybe a couple days a part would be good. She couldn't believe it when I told her. She's actually theone who came and picked me up from jail. And she almost sh*t when I told her the story. We've been great ever since. Kinda put things into perspective for both of us a little bit...when you realize that you almost lost it all.
    Double happy ending, did you win lotto, if so lets go to vegas!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    yeah what about the lotto?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    aren't you glad you didn't run. then they would of found the **** and they would of eventually found you anyways. you would of been in a lot deeper sh*t if that happened cause they would of wanted to know why you ran and would of searched you vehicle a lot better.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Someones looking out for you

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i bet ur on top of the world right now man congrats, i'd count my blessings if i were u, its a shame but alot of good bros aren't that lucky.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    unbelievable is all I can say. You better be thanking someone for lookin out for your ass!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You got fvcking lucky bro! I hate that feeling sitting on those hard plastic seats of the cop car waiting for them to find what you know is in there.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gya321
    You got fvcking lucky bro! I hate that feeling sitting on those hard plastic seats of the cop car waiting for them to find what you know is in there.
    on three differt occasitons my wife has called the police on me and each time she has told the officers I have gear in my back pack. I said stright up its true and each time the officers let it slide . One cop I think was taking roids her self and asked me i deal with the acne. Lucky for me when my wife is fired up she looks almost crazzy! I have removed all gear from the house and now tell her Im of the juice. I think its sever PMS but what ever it was it was f***** up. Trust no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    You're so lucky man! Go buy yourself a beer and screw your gf hard tonight bro, you deserve it.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    **** YA! I am happy for you man!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    thats some funny ****

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    your one lucky bro

  26. #26
    glad to hear you got off clean

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Glad luck was on your side that day bro..

  28. #28
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    Yeah, but I didn't win sh*t on the lotto...can't win 'em all I guess!

  29. #29
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gya321
    You got fvcking lucky bro! I hate that feeling sitting on those hard plastic seats of the cop car waiting for them to find what you know is in there.
    No doubt!!!Trying to think of all the other **** you might have fogotten about too!!!

  30. #30
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    Yeah, but I didn't win sh*t on the lotto...can't win 'em all I guess!
    Dont sweat that you won the one that counted!!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Here and there
    man, got sooo lucky bro.....count your blessings???

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    wow, glad u didn't get in trouble.

  33. #33
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by justincredible
    I'm watching them...PRAYING for something to happen!! A murder near by, a robbery in progress, a f*cking lighting bolt to hit my truck ANYTHING!!! PLEASE!!!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    Good story bro!! You are one luckey MOFO!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Good read man. Am glad luck went your way!! Lucky bas****

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i think i would have sh-it my self.

    your onr lucky mofo

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    u need to do a proper pre-trip on your vehicle b4 driving it... .. yeah like anybody does that...
    what size were the bacon strips in your underwear after this happened???
    yeah, but you should if you're transporting a lot of ****, and you value your freedom. and yes, even a 3 day gap in what your required to do at all times can result in a license suspension.

    a little advice - anywhere inside the car interior is a bad idea - they can do a "wingspan search" with remarkably little evidence, meaning anywhere you could possible reach for a weapon inside the car.... which is the entire interior of the car. the trunk is safer, but anytime they have an excuse to tow your car (and there are many), they can do an inventory search of the entire vehicle. however, even an inventory search of a car doesn't allow breaking open locked containers in your trunk. transport stuff like that, and nothing short of a warrant will get them in there.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Buckeye City
    Thats definatley a crazy story. I can't imagine the feeling after you realized they didn't find your gear. Glad to hear things worked out in your favor.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    CeN CAL
    wow lucky ass mofo!!!

  40. #40
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    Just got out of jail, ate breakfast and bumped this...

    I hate New Orleans pigs. So crooked. F*ck the N.O.P.D!

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