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Thread: First shot I need some feedback?

  1. #1

    First shot I need some feedback?

    2 days ago i did my first shot of test 400mg
    wich is a combination of cyp and eth

    now this was my first shot ever 1cc to the shoulder

    Its been 2 days now my shoulder has been in pain ever since the first day i can barely lift it now its been 3 days ever since my shot and i feel weak like crap i couldnt even work out properly, i slept more couldnt get out of bed
    the pain hasnt gone away im starting to get small cramps in my testicals not too bad thow...

    I was wondering if a pro out their can tell me what to do,,, should i stop takeing it or is this just a first time reaction since dosage was high??

    Some feedback please

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Can you lay out your entire cycle? Was the compoung you are taking 400mg of test per ml? It sounds like you just had a bad reaction to the BA in the test. The cramps in your balls is normal, but is happening a bit sooner than I would have guessed.

  3. #3
    Its test 400
    133mg of cypionate
    133mg of enanthate
    133mg of testosterone isocaproate

    my cycle
    400mg of test week1-5
    50 mg of winstrol week 4-10
    nolva 20mg a day

    Than clomid thearopy

    Im much of a beginner and This all happend on my first shot of test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Aboot
    Can you lay out your entire cycle? Was the compoung you are taking 400mg of test per ml? It sounds like you just had a bad reaction to the BA in the test. The cramps in your balls is normal, but is happening a bit sooner than I would have guessed.
    He's taking t400 bro, which is why there's so much pain, t400 and winstrol are the top 2 compounds that hurt like a biatch. You can add another less caustic compound to your shot or add more oil in the syringe to reduce the pain.

  5. #5
    I havent even started the winstrol
    Its been first shot of test

    the test has made me feel weak like crap so far i couldnt get out of bed and my shoulder hurts i can barely move

    Should i stop takeing the test or wait to see what happens?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUUMMAANN

    my cycle
    400mg of test week1-5
    50 mg of winstrol week 4-10
    nolva 20mg a day
    I hope you will be running the test with the winny as well. You should also be shooting twice a week to maintain stable blood levels.

  7. #7
    so i should start the winstrol right now with the test?
    and do half cc of test twice a week?
    and what should i fo about the pain reaction? just relax to see if i feel better?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUUMMAANN
    Should i stop takeing the test or wait to see what happens?

    It's probably just the test flu and the symptoms will go away soon. Just ride it out. Another question though. When you start the winny, you'll be taking 50mg per day and not per week right?

  9. #9
    yes 50mg a day 6days on 1 day off

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUUMMAANN
    so i should start the winstrol right now with the test?
    and do half cc of test twice a week?
    and what should i fo about the pain reaction? just relax to see if i feel better?

    1. No.

    2. Yes, 200mg of test teice per week for a total of 400mg per week.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUUMMAANN
    yes 50mg a day 6days on 1 day off
    Why 1 day off?

  12. #12
    i guess not than but does my cycle look okay

    week 1-5 test 400mg 1 shot a week
    week 4-10 50mg of winstrol
    nolva 20mg a day

    than clomid thearopy

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I would definitely continue to run the test while you are running the winny. The test would have barely kicked in by week 5. Continue with the test up until week 10 and you are set.

  14. #14
    thank you my friend i appreciate the help and advice
    would it reduce the pain if i injected the test through buttocks
    instead of my shoulder which i can barely lift

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by HUUMMAANN
    Its test 400
    133mg of cypionate
    133mg of enanthate
    133mg of testosterone isocaproate

    my cycle
    400mg of test week1-5
    50 mg of winstrol week 4-10
    nolva 20mg a day

    Than clomid thearopy

    Im much of a beginner and This all happend on my first shot of test
    If thats denkalls t400 your figures are wrong but who cares anyway, d@mn bro u picked the 2 MOST painful compounds in the book to stack together. Your Cycle is too short, need to run the test to at least 10 weeks, here's how it should look:

    wks 1-10 t400 shot 2 x pw at 1/2 cc each shot
    wks 7-12 winny 50mg ed (drink it or it will hurt ed instead of 2x pw)

    pct starts 2 weeks after last test shot, 1 day after last winny administration

    If the t400 is too unbearable add oil to the syringe to dilute it and it wont be so bad.

  16. #16
    How do i add more oil to my shots im not too experienced so can someone explain.?????

    And the pain in my shoulder still hasnt gone away since its been 3 days
    Do u guys think i should just chill out till my next shot and see how i fell cause so far i feel messed up. Cant even go to the gym yet.

    Ill be running test 400 2 shots half cc a week for 10weeks
    than week 7-12 ill be taking winstrol every day at 50mg
    nolva 20mg a day
    Than clomid theropy after last shot of winstrol

    But how do I add more oil to my shots?

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