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Thread: sugar intake with slin and without

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    sugar intake with slin and without

    Ok I have decided to get a bottle of novolog to go with my HGH that I will be running soon, my question is if right now I take 100g dextrose/maltodextrin mix after my workouts with my protein why cant I take the same amount of dextrose when I take 3 units of slin to start. I know it is said 10g of carbs for every unit of slin, why would this be too much carbs to take with 3 units of slin when Im not even taking slin now and downing 100g of carbs with no problems or fat gain? Isnt it better safe than sorry?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    well you got one big problem i can see off the bat....... your taking your protein with your dextrose. def stick to 10g per iu, and just keep some extra liquid dextrose on the side incase you go hypo. take your protein shake 15 minutes after you finish your dextrose, then a meal about 1/2 an hour later.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
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    IMO, 100g of carbs PWO would be too much for most. But, if a 100g of carbs PWO does the job for you, then stick to using that much carbs PWO even when using insulin with doses under 10IU. Once you breach the 10IU mark, you might have to modify your PWO carb intake amount by having more carbs because we usually need about 10g of carbs for every 1IU of insulin..

    My theory is, if you are using insulin, then consume just enough carbs to stay out of hypo, which in most cases is about 7 - 10g of carbs for every 1IU. No more, or less.

    Be carefull with taking 100g carbs PWO without insulin use. You could be gaining fat without even relising it. A good way to find out if you are over-carbing is to get a BG monitor, and monitor your BG level after you have consumed the 100g of carbs PWO. If your BG is too high then you know your carb intake it too high, so then, you obviously lower your PWO carb intake.

    Hope you figure out whats best for you.

    Good luck.

    Last edited by Gear; 05-02-2005 at 04:58 AM.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marlin444
    well you got one big problem i can see off the bat....... your taking your protein with your dextrose. def stick to 10g per iu, and just keep some extra liquid dextrose on the side incase you go hypo. take your protein shake 15 minutes after you finish your dextrose, then a meal about 1/2 an hour later.
    I hate correcting people, but I also hate to see people stuck with false information. So, I am just letting you know that your statement about taking dex+protein is incorrect. Dex+protein is a great combo as dex will give you an insulin spike allowing for easier absorption, and especially when protein is consumed at the same time, this becomes a great advantage. So dex+protein PWO is a great idea.

    When people take glutamine PWO, they usually have their protein 15 min later because your protein shake already has glutamine in it. However, if glutamine isnt in the picture PWO, then you may consume protein whenever you like.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I hate correcting people, but I also hate to see people stuck with false information. So, I am just letting you know that your statement about taking dex+protein is incorrect. Dex+protein is a great combo as dex will give you an insulin spike allowing for easier absorption, and especially when protein is consumed at the same time, this becomes a great advantage. So dex+protein PWO is a great idea.

    When people take glutamine PWO, they usually have their protein 15 min later because your protein shake already has glutamine in it. However, if glutamine isnt in the picture PWO, then you may consume protein whenever you like.

    really? i heard its best to get your bg levels stable before you flood your body with the extra protein. the theory behind that was to make sure you have the energy to digest the high loads of protein. you have much more experience than me with this though. im sure its all relative.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    The lower your BG is, the more your body is starving for nutrients. Now, its just a matter of giving your body just the right amount of nutrients (fuel) for recovery.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    thanks gear, the thing is I always take around 100g sugar mix after my workouts and I am a very lean person, I found I realy need more carbs than most people because I tried cutting back to very low carbs for a few weeks and my muscle just seemed to fall off, now I am back on a good amount of carbs every meal and low fat and I am full and pumped but not gaining any fat, actually losing it. But yea I think I will keep it up around 100g to stay safe and as soon as I get close to the 10IU mark maybe add more if needed. I have taken my BG after the dex before and it drops realy fast.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowpain
    thanks gear, the thing is I always take around 100g sugar mix after my workouts and I am a very lean person, I found I realy need more carbs than most people because I tried cutting back to very low carbs for a few weeks and my muscle just seemed to fall off, now I am back on a good amount of carbs every meal and low fat and I am full and pumped but not gaining any fat, actually losing it. But yea I think I will keep it up around 100g to stay safe and as soon as I get close to the 10IU mark maybe add more if needed. I have taken my BG after the dex before and it drops realy fast.
    Sounds good bro. It's good that you know how many carbs your body needs PWO. A lot of people either don't have enough or have too much carbs PWO which isn't good. Keep on doing what you are doing and you will do well.

    When you start using 10IU+, you will find that you most probably wont need much more than 100g of dex PWO because a 100g is a lot anyway. But don't quote me on that as everyone reacts differently, so you won't know till you try. Either way, it is going to take some experimenting for you to find out excatly how many carbs you will need once you start using more than 10IU.

    Good luck bro, and hope it all goes well for you.


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