If had GenSci Jin, 40 mg Win, 20 mg Prop, 100 Cyto tabs, 100 Clen, and Arimidex. Can anyone put together good cycle for 6'1" 185 lb.
If had GenSci Jin, 40 mg Win, 20 mg Prop, 100 Cyto tabs, 100 Clen, and Arimidex. Can anyone put together good cycle for 6'1" 185 lb.
I meant ml instead of mg. Sorry im a newbie
How much Jintropin do you have? Also, you will need more prop- it has to be shot frequently. As for putting together a cycle that totally depends on your goals. Research each chemical that you have on this site, then decide on a combo that fits your needs. I've been researching for the last week straight. Trust me it takes a while to do it right. Good luck.
moved to steroid section, better luck on a critique since this is mainly AAS involved. I would study more in reguards to bb'ing and health related benefits of gh and decide from there how to approach it
I have 200 i.u.'s. How much Prop do I need (already have 2 10cc bottles of Prop 100). I just want to put on some solid weight but stay really lean. I want to be about 200 lbs. I've studied all these but I don't know how much Cytomel to take everyday with the GH. Thanks for your help.
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