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Thread: Quality assurance question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    hArD hItTen

    Quality assurance question

    I have been researching Long R3 IGF-1 and have hopefully some simple question

    1. Is there a way to get tested to find out if and what cancer cells are dormant in my body so to know what type of cancer i could possibly bring to life by taking igf-1

    2. I have been looking on the internet and found some reputiable research chemical companies selling this product and wanted to know how legit there versions may be

    3. Whats the difference from the kits and the liquid that these companies are selling, is it just that they are all ready reconstituted
    Last edited by Drkodiak1; 05-16-2005 at 12:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    hArD hItTen

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    question # 1 sounds like a question for a doc, 2 and 3, i can give you my general rule, if you find some cheap liquid that you are not going to have to inject and come up easily on a search, it is probably a scam,

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