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I M revising earlier post in the hope that someone would PLEASE HELP. I M exactly 5 wks into my 1st cycle with Test as base and i have unusual prob. I M early 40s 5'10" 200Lbs. I was hoping to do 10 week very lean cycle with good strength gains. I started of doing 400-450 Mg/Wk Test ( bec i added Prop to the Cyp to "jump-start") with 20Mg/D Var and 25Mcg/D of Cytomel. As U can C , I prefer to keep the doses low and hope for a synergistic stack. I strongly want to avoid need for ancillaries until PCT. I planned to go to only 300Mg/Wk Test after the 1st few Wks. Well, roughly 2 wks in i had an infection problem and figured i might have to abort cycle. So i cut the T3 and Var and stayed on ONLY 300Mg/Wk Test. In spite of the Var & T3; i ADDED 2% bodyfat in the 1st few weeks-- all around my midsection, while gaining at most 2 Lbs overall !!!!! Could it B estrogenic side Fx ( tendency toward fat storage) ?? My diet and routine R the same (except for some added protein) My muscles SEEM to be just as hard now as when i started. Also , i got rebound fatigue when i came off the T3. I only wanted to lay down in bed; but i forced myself to maintain a typically intense wrkt regimen. I got NO strength gains until wk 3-4 (and little muscle mass overall ) ..... but i've been stagnant now for 1 week+ . No more gains whatsoever. I know the test is good bec i really believe in the source; and my libido has been high the whole time, whereas it usually gets this high now and then for 1 week at a time. I've read many posts about users not seeing gains for 5-6wks, but I M concerned bec i put on the fat early and hit plateau now. I really hope to make good gains on only 300 bec I M still wary about the infection prob. I shot again into my glute 3 days ago for the 1st time since my prob and there seems to be hardenning ( but not unusually painful) again DOES ANYONE BELIEVE I WILL STILL MAKE GOOD GAINS IF I STICK WITH THE 300/WK ?? If i must increase; would it B better to Increase the Test or add Var?? Or should i try adding Clen (which i haven't tried yet). Now 1 day later: I will up the Test reluctantly ( i wanted also to avoid tolerance to it in case i ever cycle again ) . Worked out hard today. Strength has DROPPED slightly since last!!! Thanks in advance for help with any or all these Qs.