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Thread: Posing nude tom'w. First time.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Wink Posing nude tom'w. First time.

    Okay. here it goes. I got the fake tanner on. My balls are all shaved. i played with my water and sodium. I washed extra good.

    The chicks are gonna dig this shit! BIGTIME!
    the favorite male art model in my area is a bodybuilder, but he's like older from what i have heard. The rest of the male models are skinny dudes, or skinny fat dudes with hairy balls and who arent sexy.
    I figure the females will be in for a supirze tom'w when i come in all chisled and tan, and shaved, and young. here they have an in shape, somewhat handsome guy very close to there age, when they were expecting either a woman or an ugly older hairy dude!
    Actually, this might be a mixed age class since school is which case i still win cuz no the milfs and stuff get to go to art class and see an adonis like myself and think," God, i wish my hubby had an ass like that, and a shaved ballsack and cock. *sigh*"

    Do you think i should lift tom'w? I start posing at like 10am, so i was thinkin maybe lift at 6 or 7 and then load some semi hi GI carbs tom'w so i'd have a pump. Or would that be dumb?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    sounds pretty dumb to me but you might be able to pull some ass. you'll probably notice some hottie in the class and pop wood. i bet that'll be the first thing you post tomorrow after your done. sounds like you definetely put some planning into this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    This should be a movie!

    I want the rights to this!

    Try to get pics of the hot ones.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    haha thats fvcking kool!!!.....

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You are the man, dont lift though your balls may sag, and women hate a saggy sac!!!JK, Good luck cant wait to here how it goes!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah. i can't wait to get shrinkage in front of a bunch of chicks. I loaded some arginine(no2) and niacin to keep my blood flowin to all my "parts".
    My goal is to get some ass of the artists, and maybe a teacher as well.

    ultimatly i wanna be a male stripper like Swole Cat used to be. I bet he got massive amounts of ass at the job. I figure standing in front of chicks naked is a good warm up to dancing in front of chicks naked. And to warm up to this, i went to a nudist resort last week to get used to being naked in front of chicks while they're naked. It's see? I got it all planned out.

    ohh. 10PM time to go watch Stripsearch on VH1! SEE YA.
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 07-07-2005 at 07:45 PM.

  7. #7
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    yeah. i can't wait to get shrinkage in front of a bunch of chicks. I loaded some arginine(no2) and niacin to keep my blood flowin to all my "parts".
    My goal is to get some ass of the artists, and maybe a teacher as well.

    ultimatly i wanna be a male stripper like Swole Cat used to be. I bet he got massive amounts of ass at the job. I figure standing in front of chicks naked is a good warm up to dancing in front of chicks naked. And to warm up to this, i went to a nudist resort last week to get used to being naked in front of chicks while they're naked. It's see? I got it all planned out.

    ohh. 10PM time to go watch Stripsearch on VH1! SEE YA.
    Haha, do some stretchs infront of them!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    your gonna pop wood when you see a half decent lookin man in the crowd....lookin at your lil shaved up ballies

    and then your gonna get all nervous and fall off your chair cause your lil pee pee is turned on from a half decent looking man, and when you fall off your gonna hit your head, get knocked out and shit/piss/spray protein drink all over the place....

    good thing you got it all planned out big fella!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    this shiet would make a funny ass movie...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    hahahaah best poster on AR

  11. #11
    alevok Guest
    Think about doing some porn after your stripping carreer

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    Okay. here it goes. I got the fake tanner on. My balls are all shaved. i played with my water and sodium. I washed extra good.

    The chicks are gonna dig this shit! BIGTIME!
    the favorite male art model in my area is a bodybuilder, but he's like older from what i have heard. The rest of the male models are skinny dudes, or skinny fat dudes with hairy balls and who arent sexy.
    I figure the females will be in for a supirze tom'w when i come in all chisled and tan, and shaved, and young. here they have an in shape, somewhat handsome guy very close to there age, when they were expecting either a woman or an ugly older hairy dude!
    Actually, this might be a mixed age class since school is which case i still win cuz no the milfs and stuff get to go to art class and see an adonis like myself and think," God, i wish my hubby had an ass like that, and a shaved ballsack and cock. *sigh*"

    Do you think i should lift tom'w? I start posing at like 10am, so i was thinkin maybe lift at 6 or 7 and then load some semi hi GI carbs tom'w so i'd have a pump. Or would that be dumb?
    Great story bro! Tell us how it goes!! And if there is any hot chicks

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Middle-East Lebanon

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i will keep you all posted

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Right on bro. How did you land that gig? I was going to be a male stripper (my wife wanted me to do it), until I came to the realization that most of the clients were gay men, not hot girls that might want to rub the magic lamp

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    This should be a movie!

    I want the rights to this!

    Try to get pics of the hot ones.

    How ironic that qoute was. And ill tell ya why. Well i just got back from posing, and it was part gay and part good.

    So i get in there, and im the first one there. I go take a pee and look at myself shirtless one last time. Looks pretty dry. then i stroked the little man off just a bit to increase my shaftness. So the other model,Pat, comes in, (we have met before. she's 55ish but her bodies good)
    Then, after i change into my sweatpants(i don't like robes) i come back in the room and two guys are there. Me and the other model wait around another 10 minutes cuz it was rainy as hell and we figured they needed more time. I figured at least 5 or 6 women would be there any minute. LAst time i sat in on the class there was mostly women. So 15 mins goes buy and i lean over to my brother(he came to see the spectacle but is also a good artist) and say "This is a ****in sausage fest" cuz nobody else showed up. (Dont worry it gets better). So we decide to get started. Here i am about to pose for two dudes and my brother. How gay. So i said to Pat "So are you gonna go first?"
    "Well, i could or we could go right into doubles" She says.
    "Okay, thats cool. what exactly is a double?"
    "Well, generally we pose interacted with a close proximaty. We get somewhat engaged but not more than what your comfortable with. Okay?"
    " you mean like, together, at the same time?"
    "Oh right. Yeah. that's cool. We can do that. sure."

    So now im motivated again cuz im gonna get to posibly nail this older chick.I had no idea models pose together! especially different genders! I mean i figure if i pose regulalry, we could get very "freindly". So I strip down and climb on stage. I feel her lean in. I can feel the heat from her body and it makes my loins begin to stir. Then i think "Shit. I better not get a boner. At least not a full one." She complemented me on how still i held myself.

    Well, i manged not to pop wood and then we took turns do a few solo poses.
    As i was doing a 10 minute solo, the door opens and a chick walks in. I glance down without breaking postion, and she looks at me and then has that pleasantly surprized"I Just Saw A Naked Man " face, so she asks one of the other artists where pat is. She walks to theback of the room(im assuming to leer at my ass) and then she looks up again at me and leaves.
    Then during my next 10 minute pose, she comes back in and asks my brother if its okay if he's in her documentary. Then she asked the other guys. I heard that and said "Can i be in it?", without breaking position of course. She said happily with a big smile "Oh sure, i'd really appreciate it." Then the door opens agian and this pink haired chick(looks about 19) walks in, leers at me a second, and goes over and gives my brother releases to sighn to be in the film. Turns out her daghter was making a documentary about her mom being an artist. So the whole rest of the time they had this camera in there.
    ii'd **** both the mom and the daughter. I really think they both liked me. The daughter was giving big smiles and thanking me for letting her tape me. And when she handed me the pen to sighn the realese i touched her fingers and she didn't seem to mind.
    Then as i was finishing up, the mom comes in to say goodbye to Pat and me as we're doing a double and she says "Anabolicboy, you were an excellent model." and it sounded so hot when she said that i can't begin to tell you. She said it very sexy. Not to mention she said it with a lusty look in her eye. Even on the drive home my brother commented on how sexual that sounded when she said that, and the way she looked at me.

    So all and all it was a good day i guess. There is plenty more to come as i will be posing as much as i can this summer and maybe some of the fall if im still in shape.

    Hey Swole, il try to get that chicks information so you can get thr rights to her documentary,lol!
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 07-08-2005 at 01:38 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    ...and see an adonis like myself...
    You f-ing bastard...

    Yeah, you're going to get wood and then get really embarrassed...thats probably what I would do. Either way, tell us about it tomorrow.

    Sheet, you got some (shaved) balls, man...I'd be way too self conscious to do that shyte.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Right on bro. How did you land that gig? I was going to be a male stripper (my wife wanted me to do it), until I came to the realization that most of the clients were gay men, not hot girls that might want to rub the magic lamp
    I know. i remember that thread. I wanted to smack you and say "Just do it!"lol. Course, i didnt know they asked you to dance for men. That is gay. Usually you have some say about that. Was it just a stricly gay club? I was wondering why your wife was so intent on you doing that. But i guess she knoew you'd be dancing for men, so now it makes sense. Before i thought she was crazy telling you to go strip for chicks and have temptation of sexual opportunities left and right, but I guess she had her

    I dunno how much male strippers make, but if you pose nude for college art classes, you can make an extra 20 bucks an hour. I dunno if thats worth it for ya. I just made 45 bucks today, but as i get more experianced it will be 60 for 3 hours. If your well muscled and cut, you could easily be the most requested male art model in your area. The rest of the males are jokes, as my artist brother can attest. The one guy in my area who is the "favorite" is a bodybuilder. However i heard that he's older. So he may be bigger, but i doubt as ripped and tanned and shaved as me.
    So if your bod is good enough to strip, it's good enough to pose.

    hopefully by next year, when im a bit bigger, ill be ready to strip. Thee is a club 10 mins from my house and the strippers they have don't even look that great. Im sure by next year, i have that job easy.i hope.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    I know. i remember that thread. I wanted to smack you and say "Just do it!"lol. Course, i didnt know they asked you to dance for men. That is gay. Usually you have some say about that. Was it just a stricly gay club? I was wondering why your wife was so intent on you doing that. But i guess she knoew you'd be dancing for men, so now it makes sense. Before i thought she was crazy telling you to go strip for chicks and have temptation of sexual opportunities left and right, but I guess she had her

    I dunno how much male strippers make, but if you pose nude for college art classes, you can make an extra 20 bucks an hour. I dunno if thats worth it for ya. I just made 45 bucks today, but as i get more experianced it will be 60 for 3 hours. If your well muscled and cut, you could easily be the most requested male art model in your area. The rest of the males are jokes, as my artist brother can attest. The one guy in my area who is the "favorite" is a bodybuilder. However i heard that he's older. So he may be bigger, but i doubt as ripped and tanned and shaved as me.
    So if your bod is good enough to strip, it's good enough to pose.

    hopefully by next year, when im a bit bigger, ill be ready to strip. Thee is a club 10 mins from my house and the strippers they have don't even look that great. Im sure by next year, i have that job easy.i hope.
    I dunno bro, I told her I wanted to strip at a club that had guy and girl dancers and she was cool with it. She was like, "if it ever becomes a problem, the you will quit right?"....yep, sure will huney. I think she just wanted the money. Although I'm fairly sure male dancers aren't paid nearly as well as their female counterparts. Unless you're turning tricks of course. I would like to do the nude modeling thing though. Shit, I just wanna get naked in front of girls.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Cedar Rapids,IA
    That is a funny ass story. I won a male strip contest one time and I got unlimited drinks free the rest of the night.

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