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So its 1AM, I am looking at some kinky pics of ladies while wanking off to these for my daily evening wank! So in my lonelyness of boredom I hear a big "srrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeek bbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnh"
and then some yelling "aaaaaah, you okkkkkkkk, dude man MAN MAN!!!!!!"
So I stop my daily evening to wonder "WTF", so I jumped up and looked throught the window and I see a honda upside down, half of it in the street and a girl getting pulled out by some dude! Im thinking, **** they tried to avoid my cat, they were driving fast and lost control! (I must specify I live near a highway, actually about 30m from it!) So I yelled in the house call the cops, car accident!!! Now im trying to find my boxers and a shirt, put my shorts on, then the tshirt, the ****ing tshirt is on the wrong side! Then I figured everything out, got out and ran toward them " You okay" I see two hot chicks with low tight pants and thongs (im wondering, damn look alike like my pics!) So one girl is laying on the street and say "no im ****ed" Then she asked me if I could clean her bruise and all, so ran back to the house got all the shit and played the paramedic to two hotties until the provincial highway cop arrived, then the firefighter, medics and two city cops car! So helped them and all.
Guess who got the super hug and the thank you from the hot chicks! MY MOM! Damn even the civilians are unfair!
Anyway, seem some stupid jerks in Acura cut them right away at high speed, so to avoid to hit him, the driver turn the steering violentely and lost control, so the car turn up side down on a few metres then slide on the roof for about 30 metres to end up on my street at about 10 m FROM MY TRUCK!!!!
car is totalled I swear!
So thats it!