Just letting you guys (and ladies) know that I am starting my next stack. Going to 'test' (get it? hehe) this one out and let you guys know if it is supposed to be what I think it is. A quick discription is: T2 750mg a week; Dbol 40mg day; equi 550 week; winny 75mg day; test prop 150mg EODay. And NO not at the same time, hehe. I figured a pretty good taper and stack system that if it all works right should turn me into a monster, looking at KEEPING 18 or hopefully 19 pounds on this one. You people pray for me. The whole thing should take 10 or 12 weeks till complete and I am going to go ahead and take Bi-Weekly pics. I am going to state my stas just incase you peep's don't believe me when it's done, hehe. all figures as exact as i could get them. 6'1" 214.6 on empty. arms-17.85. chest-46.9. waist-32.5...body fat not excactly sure. 7-8 percent but will go up a little once i hit the calories. i will also keep an update two months AFTER the stack ends and once the HCG clomid nolva proviron are ALL done and long gone. If this stacks works i will be sure to post a copy of my calendar for this specific stack.