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Thread: can i get my pops on some test???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    can i get my pops on some test???

    sup guys, one of my boys is getting a script for some test stuff from the doc due to his test levels being that of a 70 yr old... i was wondering if i could get my old man on some test, i was thinking of telling him to go to the doc to see if he can get a script on the stuff but iono yet... he tells me hes been kinda tired and stuff lately and not alot of energy and what not, which is weird cuz hes the most active 65yr old i no... throws ball with me, moes the grass non stop, runs like hes 20 yrs old. old man is tough $hit but needs a lil boost to get him up and going again, i told him the doc could prolly get him on a low dose of test at like 50-75mgs/wk cuz thats what their doing for my friend but im not sure if that would be a good idea? i have him prety much down to do it but i wanted to here what yall had to think bout it, now member hes not ur tipical 65 yr old man. mofo is more active then most the dudes i no, i was just thinking that a lil bit of extra test for his butt would help him out alot.. im also getting him in the gym i work at to get back into shape and figured that lil bit of test would help him on his gains. he had poleo as a child and lost most of his muscle tissue in his right arm so i would think that lil bit would help him out alot... any info and or advice would be very helpful, thanks a bunch

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Take him to the doctor

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Take him to the doctor
    thats what i plan on doing, but i just wanted to see if anyone has done this or if it would be a half way decent idea? thanks all thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I have heard some very positive things from older men getting on test therapy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    good that you're taking him to the doc...i hear good things about HRT, and if nothing else, it won't hurt to discuss it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Maybe the transdermal patch for dad? Good to read that you care about him a lot. I feel the same about my dad too. He's 67 and he has really let himself go the last few years. Gained a lot of weight. He has always been active his whole life. I want him to concentrate on his diet first. He has high cholestorol so I hate to see him eat bad food but he does now. He use to be so healthy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i think it would be a good idea if he's for it. it would def. give him more energy and basically raise his mood.

  8. #8
    I would consider his using test if he plans to do HRT for the rest of his life. He will feel better but after stopping he may never re-establish his natural levels again.

    It's a chance he has to weigh.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    okay cool guys, thanks for all the imput and advice... i think im going to have him make an apt. with the doc to see what we can arrange, anyways thanks again

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