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Thread: Pantothenic Acid B5

  1. #1

    Pantothenic Acid B5

    Im coming upon the completion of my deca/test e cycle, and I am starting to notice my back and face is starting to break out. Heard the B5 can help reduce acne breakouts. Whats the recommended dosage to help reduce the acne breakouts? Thanks

  2. #2
    Is that equilvent to 250 mg a day?

  3. #3
    if 1000mg=1 g

    then 2.5 g x 1000mg =2500 mg

    each capsule is 250 mg

    thats 10 capsule per day

    if my calucation is correct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    20,517 - look for it there..... it's cheap and you get ALOT of it..... comes in powder form.

    Take 10,000mg's/10g's a day until it starts clearing up.... then reduce to 2500mg's/2.5g's daily to maintain.

    *note* B5 cana ctually make the acne worse at 1st..... as it pushes the rest of the oil to the top..... after this happens.... you'll start clearing up nicely.

  5. #5
    Do I need to split up the dosage throughout the day? Or just take it all at one time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    personally.... i'd split it up into 5g's twice a day... morning and afternoon. Thats what i did and it worked for me.....

    i don't have experience taking it all at once... so i can't comment on it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Plymouth England
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard - look for it there..... it's cheap and you get ALOT of it..... comes in powder form.

    Take 10,000mg's/10g's a day until it starts clearing up.... then reduce to 2500mg's/2.5g's daily to maintain.

    *note* B5 cana ctually make the acne worse at 1st..... as it pushes the rest of the oil to the top..... after this happens.... you'll start clearing up nicely.
    How long does the initial breakout last for im on day 9 and i do have a breakout

    thanks mate!!!!!!!!1

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