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Thread: finaplix/tren questions.

  1. #1

    finaplix/tren questions.

    I know that there is no real way to tell what mg of tren your getting if one was to make it via the wet process way, but is there some type of rough estimate? Can a tren only cycle be benefical for strength/size gains? How many carts would be needed to convert for a decent cycle?

  2. #2
    Everyone will tell you to take test with fina. I am running fina by itself and I can say from experience that it's excellent for putting on muscle mass. I'm up 15lbs in less than 6 weeks. You are supposed to use test because many will experience shutdown on fina. There will be no sex drive, if you experience this, and the test will bring it back and give you a better overall sense of well-being.

  3. #3
    If you were to take a moderate dose, like 50mg ED, then you would need at least 2 carts to take past 6 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by striker93
    Everyone will tell you to take test with fina. I am running fina by itself and I can say from experience that it's excellent for putting on muscle mass. I'm up 15lbs in less than 6 weeks. You are supposed to use test because many will experience shutdown on fina. There will be no sex drive, if you experience this, and the test will bring it back and give you a better overall sense of well-being.
    I did this too. Fina by its self that is.
    Gained 15 pounds and kept it. Never experienced shut down myself.
    I hear some do and some do not.
    Tren is my favroite just for these reasons.
    I never lost any gains
    I did have rage and night sweats.
    I only ran it at 100mg ed for 8 weeks.
    I love tren.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    I did this too. Fina by its self that is.
    Gained 15 pounds and kept it. Never experienced shut down myself.
    I hear some do and some do not.
    Tren is my favroite just for these reasons.
    I never lost any gains
    I did have rage and night sweats.
    I only ran it at 100mg ed for 8 weeks.
    I love tren.
    What was your PCT like on a tren-only cycle?

  6. #6
    Bump for the wet process question.

  7. #7
    Im seeing that it varies between 75-100mg per ml for a 4 gram conversion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Since you can have no idea what percentage of the tren is actually extracted from the pellet goop, even though you calculate the amount of oil and solvent correctly, you are still just guessing. If you insist on making fina that way, you have to send it in to a lab for an assay if you want an idea of how potent it is. I am thinking you can expect to extract at least 50% of the tren by the wet process, but I really am only guessing. I am pretty sure you would never achieve better than about 75%, though. What you need to do is very carefully measure out your solvents (separately... do not use a kit!) and oil when you make your fina, and record everything, including the total volume of the final product. Then send 1ml in a vial to SRCS. I think it costs about $100. You tell them it is supposed to be trenbolone acetate and you need to know the strength of it. Then publish all of your figures here, and we will have that rough idea that you are looking for.

    Best to just make crystal. Be proud of your gear! Make the best you can possibly make!

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    Inappropriate PMs will not be read or acknowledged. Repeated reporters will be offended.
    -The Baron-

  9. #9
    Does the cyrstal process require any expensive epuipment?

  10. #10
    Any more info on SRCS? I want to get some test e tested...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by promiscio
    Any more info on SRCS? I want to get some test e tested...

    nm found it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by R-A-M-P-A-G-E
    Does the cyrstal process require any expensive epuipment?

    If you have any more questions, post them here or in that thread and I will see if I can help.

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    Inappropriate PMs will not be read or acknowledged. Repeated reporters will be offended.
    -The Baron-

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    LuckyDragon Land
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Since you can have no idea what percentage of the tren is actually extracted from the pellet goop, even though you calculate the amount of oil and solvent correctly, you are still just guessing. If you insist on making fina that way, you have to send it in to a lab for an assay if you want an idea of how potent it is. I am thinking you can expect to extract at least 50% of the tren by the wet process, but I really am only guessing. I am pretty sure you would never achieve better than about 75%, though. What you need to do is very carefully measure out your solvents (separately... do not use a kit!) and oil when you make your fina, and record everything, including the total volume of the final product. Then send 1ml in a vial to SRCS. I think it costs about $100. You tell them it is supposed to be trenbolone acetate and you need to know the strength of it. Then publish all of your figures here, and we will have that rough idea that you are looking for.

    Best to just make crystal. Be proud of your gear! Make the best you can possibly make!

    NO PMs for SOURCES!
    NO PMs for questions that should be asked on the board!
    NO "Thank You" PMs, please.
    PMs are for personal or sensitive questions or information, or for stuff that is not allowed to be posted on the board.
    Inappropriate PMs will not be read or acknowledged. Repeated reporters will be offended.
    -The Baron-

    50%?? How do you know that? I recall reading one of the tren threads where it ranged(with a kit) from 1.64 to 1.8 grams of tren for every 2 grams you use.

    Also whats wrong with a kit?

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