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Thread: Clen usage..How long is safe?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Clen usage..How long is safe?

    How long can I stay on clen for. ( 80mcg)..I dont want to kill my heart. I only have one of them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    well how long do you want to stay on it? i'm doing 8 weeks straight and taking benadryl every 3rd week.... i'll be doing about 100-120 mcg's a day when i've climbed up to that dosage..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I want to stay on clen for as long as i can...I havent don a cycle since febuary and dont plan on doing one till next may..I want to give my body a full year off of the juice, then hit it hard again..I wanted to run clen throughout to keep myself hard while off the AAS. I didnt know if 6 months of clen would be harmful on your heart..

  4. #4
    2 weeks on and 1 off, or 2on2off seems to work best for me.. Stay on all year if you'd like. I do it with PCT to maintain gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA

    check that link out.... seems this guy is pretty knowledgable and has a ton of references to back his words..... he's saying don't do the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off... he states in there to go straight through with your clen til you are done..... benadryl every 3rd week at night before bed.... am i wrong?


    p.s. 6 months?? hmm..... just don't over dose and i'd imagine you'd be fine...... but i'm not sure... might want to get someone else's response.... i'm no doctor.

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