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Thread: finallizing first cycle

  1. #1

    finallizing first cycle

    This is going to be my first cycle. Im 6'2 @ 195 lbs im 20 ive been training for about 2yrs now with mininal results compared to friends. My goal is to cut up and lose excess fat tissue while increasing muscle mass and def. Im not aiming for the sky i would just like to feel proud of my time spent in the gym.

    ive read allot on this site and it was a great help, thanks for any help you can give...

    week 1 - 5

    winny inj 50mg eod (considering drinking please comment, suggestions wanted)
    eq 300mg weekly

    week 6

    winny inj 50mg eod
    eq 300mg weekly
    clomid 100mg ed

    week 7
    clomid 50 ed

    i may have a problem aqquiring clomid any help would be appreicaited
    the gear is coming from a local

  2. #2
    be sure to get some clomid, you'll be able to hold on to your gains,......and start it (the clomid) 3 weeks after the last injection.....some one else cant help ya w/ the cycle info prob,......good luck and welcome to AR,........are you only doing a 6 week cycle aswell? IMO it should be longer 4 sure.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    6 weeks of eq won't do too much for ya. And your suggestion on doing clomid in the same week as your shooting yourself with eq says you still have some research to do. In order to maximaize your gain on AAS you should have a good foundation of a base. Without a good base, training commitment, and diet you will be disappointed with result.

    To drop the BF% add more cardio to your training. Lift hard meaning till you can't even move an ounce. I doubt very seriously that eating clean and training hard won't yeild results.

    This is not a flame, I am just trying to direct you in a right way. AAS can't do what your not willing to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    i would research a little more bro..

  5. #5
    I was posting this in hopes that someone who knows more than me could rivise. Ive been waitin till summer to start so i save a good amount of money. If any one could fix that cycle up it would be great. Im new to this so i dont plan on knowing every thing over night.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    Weeks 1-10 400-600mg EQ (split up & shot twice a week 200-300mg per shot)
    Weeks 1-10 500mg Sustanon 250 (shot with the EQ/250mg a shot)
    weeks 7-12 Winny tabs 50mg ED (you can drink it if you want to buy the injectable)
    weeks 12 Clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg 10days, 50mg 10 days
    a little Nolvadex on hand

    It didnt look like you had any test in there, I would recommend it. But if you must you can leave it out

  7. #7
    My goal is to cut up not to build up a massive amount of muscle. Can you explain why I would want to add sustanon into my cycle. Would I still have to worry about gyno with a winny/eq stack? As for adding test I thought sustanon was i mixture of tests.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    Yes a Sustanon is a test blend. It works well...And i doubt you will be MASSIVE after one cycle. If your diet is good then i would Suspect that you will have 15-20lbs of good quality muscle.

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