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Thread: Md

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Has anybody tried any of MD labs gear?

  2. #2
    I get alot of source checks on him...I'm not really sure why, though. I've never ordered from him, or used his products, so I can't give a very strong andorsement (or otherwise). He's new, and all I can really say is the same thing that happens with most new UG Labs is whats happening with him....he is getting his shipping and packaging procedures down as well as other aspects, which anyone who has started a buisness (of any type) can sympathize with. As I understand it, he may have done something or other to upset some of the "Respected bros" (whatever that means) in the community for ....something or other...I don't know, because I (thankfully) don't need to know (or care) what happened. Maybe he failed to pay proper homage to them in all their splendor. I really can't even speculate.

    I know it wasn't related to scamming or anything remotely like that, and the few people I do know who have ordered with him were reasonably happy with the products they received.

    I know who he is, and he seems like a decent guy from the little I know about him. As I said, he is another guy who has started his own buisness (albeit this one is not legal), and is learning along the way about customer service and the you really have to understand that type of thing whenever you order from a new UG, or a new buisness in general.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    His labels and some prods resemble those of -h- .....

  4. #4
    I I said, I'm reasonably sure his stuff is real, and he seems like a decent dude. It's just impossible for me to say more, because I never used his products. right now, I stick with one guy who has been around for ages. The only complaint (EVER) about him is that his anavar was far too over dosed (14.1mgs/cap instead of 10mgs/cap) and a female friend of mine ended up taking far far too much, inadvertantly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    deca and test cyp=very good

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