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Thread: need serious help boys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Brockport NY

    need serious help boys

    my best friend a big guy prolly the biggest i know...he got me 10 amps of sust250 and enough 50mg bd winni tabs for the last 4 weeks. my plan was to go one amp a week for the first 3 and last 3 weeks and double up to 500 in the middle 2 weeks. i just took my third shot and im not seein to many results. Im workin my balls off, drinkin my water, some cardio, mad protein. i just keep gettin stronger, no bigger. idk if im missing the spot when i inject or im just not takin enough. my ass is sore for like 2 days after the shot then immediatly goes away. i have no more money to get any more sust at the moment, any suggestions fellas...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Sust is a mixture of short and long acting esters and since nearly 60% of it is long acting it can take several weeks before it "kicks", I would go 500 to begin with and then drop to 250, this will give you a "frontloading" like effect, esp with those long acting esters. This will also work well with adding in the winny at the end.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    how old are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    10 amps i dont think is gonna be enough its only ur third week correct,....i dont have any sust. experience but usually test reallly kicks in for me around the 5-7 week mark

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    and how much is "mad" protein...lets get some stats so we can help you out more? long you been

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    well to start with 250mg/week is not a very strong dose. most people start out at 500.
    there are many things that can effect gains. diet is probaly the biggest.
    do you have your pct lined up for after the cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Brockport NY
    im 21 5'6 170lbs and im eatin about 150grams of protien. I have heard it's not really gonna kick in till week 5 but its just kinda disappointing...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    MAD protein ??? 150 grams.. jesus.. thats nothing.. I eat that iini breakfast almost..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The desert
    At 170lbs, you're actually needing about 300 grams or more of protein per day. So double your protein intake, that's a start. I would also suspect your calories are not high enough either.

    I'm not real familiar with sust, so I'll leave that for the others to dissect.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Someone more experienced than I may correct me but...

    One amp. of Sust.250 per week is not a very strong cycle. I believe, to the best of my knowledge, that it is just enough to shut down your natural production of testosterone to around the same degree that it is supplementing an artificial supply of testosterone to your body. It's a zero-sum equation.

    Someone recently called a cycle like this the "typical highschool football-player cycle" for the kid who thinks that one c.c. of Test. per week is going to make him balloon up like a tick. Of course, I know it's hard when you're a student with limited funds, especially if you're paying full mark-up on the stuff that's available.

    If your friend is, indeed, as huge as you say he is, he is probably knowledgable enough to know what constitutes a real bulking cycle. The mental image I have of your big buddy does not lead me to believe that he is doing the same cycle he recommended to you. Either a) He thinks a guy of your size doesn't need much gear to start his first cycle, b) He doesn't think you've got the drive or genetics to really make a go of this, or (most sinister) c) He's the sort of big-boy juicer who recoups losses by palming off his fake gear on his "friends".


    Of course, all guys who will offer to sell you steroids are top-drawer fellows of sterling character and honourable intention. A healthy dose of skepticism, bordering on paranoia, is required in this game.

    I wonder what kind of cycles your friend really, really does.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Brockport NY
    ok so what happens when i bump it up to 500 a week and start the winni...more results?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aqfootball20
    my best friend a big guy prolly the biggest i know...he got me 10 amps of sust250 and enough 50mg bd winni tabs for the last 4 weeks. my plan was to go one amp a week for the first 3 and last 3 weeks and double up to 500 in the middle 2 weeks. i just took my third shot and im not seein to many results. Im workin my balls off, drinkin my water, some cardio, mad protein. i just keep gettin stronger, no bigger. idk if im missing the spot when i inject or im just not takin enough. my ass is sore for like 2 days after the shot then immediatly goes away. i have no more money to get any more sust at the moment, any suggestions fellas...
    He should have got you 20 amps because that is how many you would need for a moderate 10 week cycle. He also should have got you some clomid and nolva because you will most likely lose any gains you might make and you will have severe post cycle crash without any PCT. Then he should have told you that tapering up and down your dosages is a very ineffective way to use AAS. He should also mention that doing a cycle without nolvadex on hand is running the risk of getting gynecomastia. It would have been nice of him to tell you that injecting in the same spot throughout your cycle could possibly cause an abcess. He should also have mentioned that three weeks is too early to expect much in the way of results. But at least he is your friend and big too.

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