if i were you, i'd click on LETRO and buy it from the site sponsor.. VERY fast shipping. Remember though, canada sucks. So do their shipping offices. Once a package comes into the hands of an employee from the canadiian post, its a 50/50 chance that you'll get your package. If you don't feel comfortable with those odds, you can go to this website:
www.google.com Its a somewhat popular search engine that may help you find a location inside of canada (maybe even in your own city) that sells letrozole. Now, I'm no prolactin antagonist, so don't take my word for it, but letro should inhibit(stop and possibly reverse) the aromatization that is occuring, whether progesteron relate or estrogen related, thus solving your problem. JMO, but anyone who is taking steroids should know what an Aromatise inhibitor is and what it does, just in case something like this happens. And another thing, THROW YOUR M1T AWAY AND KICK THE GUYS ASS WHO SOLD IT TO YOU. That is all