I'm working right now on building my second cycle and I thinking of doing the same cycle I did as last time but just upping the dosages. This is what I was doing;
Weeks 1-4: Dbol 30mg/day
Weeks 1-10: Test E 500mg/week
PCT of course
While I did pack on alot of weight with this cycle I did not keep very much. The guy who supplies me my gear, who is also a close friend, says that I should try tren instead because he says there are less sides and I won't lose as much weight coming off.
I know he means well but I do not trust him on alot of his logic. I have not reasearched tren at all yet but from what I have read its not good even for a third cycle. I don't want to waste hours and hours of research if its for sure a bad idea to use tren for a second cycle. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?