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Thread: letro through PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    letro through PCT?

    I'm doing a cycle of 75mg prop ED, 50mg eq ED, and 50mg var ED. I'm running 20mg nolva and 0.5mg letro throughout. PCT will be 4 weeks of 100mg clomid ED, 40mg nolva ED. I'm wondering if I should continue to run the letro through PCT. What are the dangers of estrogen rebound, and when do I want my estrogen rebounding? Is it at the start of PCT or at the end, or not at all? Should I taper the dose of letro? If so when should I start decreasing it? At start of PCT, or before or after that?

    Thanks bro's.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Letro could cause you not to recover so I would stop the letro 2 weeks out from PCT and add 20mg Nolva and .25mf L-dex and run that through PCT along with Clomid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    thanks Mudman, but I thought liquidex and letrozole are both AI's. Do they not do the same thing? Why would taking l-dex vs femera increase my recovery rate?

    Thanks bro,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery
    thanks Mudman, but I thought liquidex and letrozole are both AI's. Do they not do the same thing? Why would taking l-dex vs femera increase my recovery rate?

    Thanks bro,

    They do the same thing but Letro is a lot stronger at stopping aromatization. When you stop the Letro you will have a influx of estrogen which will cause problems. So using L-dex and Nolva will solve the problem and also using them through PCT will help speed recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    you could also taper down the letro dose to .25mgs ed. it DOES increase natty test levels, read the profiles. IMO, you should def decrease your nolva dose. with clomid at 100mgs 40mgs nolva is too high. drop it down too 20mgs and maybe throw in your letro at .25 or .25eod. how long is your cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    you could also taper down the letro dose to .25mgs ed. it DOES increase natty test levels, read the profiles. IMO, you should def decrease your nolva dose. with clomid at 100mgs 40mgs nolva is too high. drop it down too 20mgs and maybe throw in your letro at .25 or .25eod. how long is your cycle?
    Letro after he discontinues it will have a much greater rebound effect then arimidex does. Most people get gyno either durring PCT or after......... something to think about.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Letro after he discontinues it will have a much greater rebound effect then arimidex does. Most people get gyno either durring PCT or after......... something to think about.
    agreed, but that's why i suggest .25mgs eod. this would eliminate a potentiall rebound, esp if he only runs it for the first 3wks of PCT and continues clomid and nolva for the last wk. hell, with letro's halflife, he could taper down too e3d if needed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    agreed, but that's why i suggest .25mgs eod. this would eliminate a potentiall rebound, esp if he only runs it for the first 3wks of PCT and continues clomid and nolva for the last wk. hell, with letro's halflife, he could taper down too e3d if needed.
    Best IMO is to run Nolva and L-dex....... I have always done it this way and recover quickly and had never had estrogen related problems durring or after PCT............ JMO

    Also, are you sure that running the letro the way you stated will eliminate a rebound of estrogen.

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