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Thread: Huge Steroid Bust and a little rant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Exclamation Huge Steroid Bust and a little rant

    After hearing about the huge steroid bust that has just taken place on the major mexican VET manufactures last week, I am sitting here in disbelief. How many people here understand what has just taken place?

    We have just shut down most of the major manufactures in another country! We have used tax payer money and resources to put a kink in steroid sales because they are so fuking dangerous?!!!!!!!! You can not buy steroids to improve your body and mind, but you can buy alcholol and fuking cancer sticks on every street!!!!!!

    How did the american people let this happen? How lazy is our society to not stand up for ourselves? The tobacco, alchohol, and drug companies rule. Do they not run the ****ing country as well??? How is it that steroids got to be so aweful?

    The govt has not done SHIT in researching the use of anabolic steroids in humans! Wheres the PROOF?!!

    They have not educated themselves in anyway. Where is the PROOF off how many people hurt themselves by using steroids EVERYDAY?! We have millions of steroid users in this country and I do not EVER hear of anyone getting affected negativly. This is a website where most people come to get information about steroids, thus we would be the first to hear about major health problems in users.... WE DONT! In fact... the only problems I see are in young people or minor side effects in some men such as gyno or some women, (which we educate about every single day)

    Another thing!! If steroids are so bad... why is it that the govt does NOT have more than 4 pages on the health problems that steroids can bring? Its all a bunch of BULL SHIT! They have 4 pages telling you of all the things that could happen if you abuse steroids, but they dont back that up with scientific proof or reasoning?

    You can buy meds that can kill you inside every drug store!

    You can buy beer, wine, spirits on every corner store!

    You can give yourself AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS AROUND YOU CANCER from cigarettes and other tobacco, but ...


    This is not just about using steroids guys...

    This is about our government doing whatever it wants to unless the industry it is doing it to has enough money to make a loud enough noise to get other americans to listen!!!

    We are in the minority when it comes to money making industries. Unless steroid users make a loud enough noise... It will become a target to show the uneducated americans that the govt is helping clean up society. The govt KNOWS that this is a battle they CAN win. They pick their fights very carefully. They are the 2000lb bully that only hits people who cant hit back.

    The tobacco, alchohol, drug, oil, etc... are 1800lbs and have enough ass behind them to make the american bully feel it... thats why thousands of people will die this week due to drugs, oil (our solders), alchohol related deaths, and cancer. Unless we make a loud enough noise... we are letting this happen and this is just another thing the govt gets away with. This will only get worse now that the govt has tasted blood. They know that the uneducated public will feel great about another "BAD" drug problem being hit hard and will celebrate this by raising our finest alcholic beverage and smoking our best cigar!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    By the way... Now, lets see if we can have more and more Under Ground Lab companies pop up to give us some more harmful shit!

    The door has just been opened that will make using steroids 1000% more dangerous than ever before. I want to remind anyone using steroids to be even more careful about what they inject into their bodies. Quality control of UGL's can be very sub-par and you are taking bigger risks when using them.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Preach Brother Brian..PREACH!!!


  4. #4
    You have a great point there. Too many people are ignorent about the subject of steroid and steroid use, so they believe pretty much anything they here on T.V. Not to sound like a revolutionist, for the people that do practice the use of steriod should do something about it. There have been many many products that have been banned but they are brought back because people are willing to purchase them. I think if there is a strong enough movement and people speak up about it and educate people then something will be done. The worst fight losed is the fight not fought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    Make this a sticky man! Great read.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    hard to believe they shut all those companys down check out the DEA web site they have the story CRAZY what our govt. can do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    i am totally 100% behind you bro, but what do you suggest we do?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i am totally 100% behind you bro, but what do you suggest we do?

    Good question. I KNOW what we should do, but it takes so many people to do it. Often times, the only way to get people to hear you is to have enough money to broadcast it across their forehead. In this industry, the people who make the most money off of the users are not even in this country.

    Here in lies the problem. Why would the companies who make money off of us help finacially, when it would only take business away from them in the future. Honestly... we have little chance to do shit about this problem. This situation is one of the most frustrating ones I cared about. We are powerless. The only way to get our points across to make any type of affective impact would be to educate the public. That costs money and also requires media outlets to take a chance on letting us speak our minds. The media has 90% of the power we need. Problem with that is... they know it and they want to get paid.

    In a short answer... the way we start making headway is to challenge someone who speaks out on this topic in public and have it broadcast. I want answers as to what proof there are of steroids being so harmful. I want answers as to why steroids are being targeted so heavily when there is NO PROOF that STEROIDS KILLED ONE PERSON this or last year!

    And as for these side effects, if their was a controlled use of steroids, the public would be EDUCATED and the side effects could be avoided all together. As of now.. we rely on sites like our to educate the steroid users. It should not be our job to do this (but I will gladdly provide a place to help educate and prevent harm) It is a shame that we have 10000 times the information on this subject than what the government provides.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    even if we did educate people the govt would still find a way to controll the use of these substances

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by amstaf
    even if we did educate people the govt would still find a way to controll the use of these substances
    Steroids will never be legalized, but we can perhaps educate in a way where a steroid user doesnt get ten fuking years in the pen for using


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I`m glad it`s legal to use in norway

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    This one has you all cranked up. But you know what your 100% right. that is why when i hear someone talking shit about Juice i prove them wrong. I try to teach them as much as i can and show them it's not all that bad.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Steroids will never be legalized, but we can perhaps educate in a way where a steroid user doesnt get ten fuking years in the pen for using

    TRUE dont they classify steroids in the same class as cocaine

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    In a short answer... the way we start making headway is to challenge someone who speaks out on this topic in public and have it broadcast. I want answers as to what proof there are of steroids being so harmful. I want answers as to why steroids are being targeted so heavily when there is NO PROOF that STEROIDS KILLED ONE PERSON this or last year!

    And as for these side effects, if their was a controlled use of steroids, the public would be EDUCATED and the side effects could be avoided all together. As of now.. we rely on sites like our to educate the steroid users. It should not be our job to do this (but I will gladdly provide a place to help educate and prevent harm) It is a shame that we have 10000 times the information on this subject than what the government provides.

    In fact one person who speaks out against steroids WAS challenged on HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumpbel(sp). The person interviewing him pointed out that steroid users say there is no conclusive proof that steroids cause the side effects that are claimed or that they cause death. I wish I knew who the guy was but he was some sort of advocate, stated that clinical studies of the doses that bodybuilders use will never be done because it is not practical and not safe. So he basically admitted that we were right, and he is full of shit, but is gonna stick to his statements anyway because steroids are evil. If someone could find a clip of this assholes interview that would be great. Thats about the best and most informative story I've ever seen on steroids, but I dont think it got the attention it deserves. The problem, system admin, with getting the users to speak out against people who protest steroids, is that for the most part steroid users are a secretive group because of how taboo the subject is. Not only that, most steroid users as you know, are not criminals, but respectable working class or professional men with alot of integrity, and reputations to protect. Speaking in favor of such a taboo subject could be disastrous to their careers, reputation, and lifestyle.

  15. #15
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    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by amstaf
    TRUE dont they classify steroids in the same class as cocaine
    No, Cocaine is Schedule I narcotic, which means it has absolutely no medicinal uses. However, Steroids are Schedule III, which means they are controlled but do have a legitimate medical purpose..

  16. #16
    i hate this whole thing. not to preach, but ive done most street drugs out there (sure many of u guys too) & not 1 benifit came out of it. massive drinking caused my liver to form cists & piercing pain on my right side of my ribs, ALL BEFORE I USED ANY STEROID. that problem has been corrected thank god. the main point is why is it that something that enhances our body in a positve way gets bashed so much. i'll tell u why, i said this over & over again, the gov. does not want us to have an upper advantage on anything. since i used steroids i have been nothing but determined in everything i do & not just working out. when on a cycle i get motivated, focused & act & think differently cause i have confidance in my inner self. what fools dont realize is that ppl who take aas & end up hurting themselves r the ones that have medical issues from the begining & dont get thier blood work checked or dont do any research. what someone mentioned up on top is right, if we here at AR can educate newbies or ppl around the world looking for health enhancements & we r succeeding by bringing the truth to them & if everybody follows proper dosing & cycleing, then why cant the gov. put some effort in the education process. there is so much to argue its killing me that i am writing jiberish.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Middle East
    A link from elite fitness, to view the HBO special...


  18. #18
    another thing, why dont they show commercials, like they show dunk driving commercials & drug commercials, of a person taking steriods & dying or taking roids & get in a car & crash into something, thats right there isn't enough evidence out there that shows "only steroids" killing ppl.

  19. #19
    what pisses me off too is that these fvcking major league baseball players r the ones that recently stirred up these crackdowns & negative propoganda on roids. & the gov. & media pulls some bullshit like "oooh no, we have to set an example for the kids that look up to these athletes" as an excuse to put an end to roids, fvck that!!! kids, young highschool kids, r the ones also who r creating a bad name for steroids, im not even gonna comment futher as i am so agravated. thanks system admin for letting us speak our truth,

    BOBBY D.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Here is my opinion as to why STEROIDS are the target right now:

    The government NEEDS topics like steroids to help with their image. What more perfect topic can the govt. use???

    1. Not many people are educated on steroids

    2. Not many people (% of population) use steroids

    3. Not many tax payers will be affected by the control of these substances

    4. Not many people will care if someone gets 15 years for using these drugs (due to their ignorance on the matter)

    5. There is no money to LOBY against these laws that get brought up. (the majority of the money made off of steroids are in other countries and they will not support our fight due to the fact that by doing so, they will not help themselves in the least bit)

    With those facts right there... the government can use the ANABOLIC STEROID topic to show the public that they are doing a major justice to the public by handling it with force. In the eyes of many tax payers, the government is doing an awesome job in controlling this HUGE drug problem. This WINS VOTES people! Not only does it win votes and gains movement in a positive direction for a policitcal campaign, it will not effect the majority. Every time an election comes around, you can bet the farm that the topic of steroids will be close by.

    It is all for show. It effects minimal amounts of people when laws are past about AAS and due to the media hype, these drugs "brought on by the devil" will be a perfect target to get voters behind the political parties. As of now, the public thinks that AAS is a growing epidemic due to ignorance and the fantastic media coverage.

    I will bet you that this will only get worse and you will see and hear more about steroids as time nears an election.


  21. #21
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    Mar 2002
    Our govt lost the fight against alchohol years ago. The fight against other drugs will never be won. Tobacco... NOT a chance. Over the counter drugs... ONLY if they want a huge battle with the pharm. companies.

    All of these industries have money to fight and loby with.

    The government will use AAS as a scapegoat because it can.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    is this bust only bad for ppl in the united states? because i live in canada, and i wana buy some soon. will it effect up here at all? i wanted to wait til march but if they are gona be more dangerous. and harder to get and prolly more expensive wopuld it be smarter to buy them now and save them for march?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    They have shut the companies down in MEXICO from what I am seeing!


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    this is a piece of an article from another post on our forum:

    Manufacturing Targets

    1. Companies: Quality Vet, Denkall, and Animal Power
    Owners: Alberto Saltiel Cohen, Joaquin Garcia Rivas, and Javier Garcia de la Pena.
    These manufacturers are significant U.S. suppliers of Nandrolone

    2. Company: Laboratorios Tornel
    Owner: Luis Bravo-Tornel
    Manager: Mauricio Bravo-Berentsen
    This manufacturer is a top U.S. supplier of Testosterone Decanoate

    3. Company: Laboratorios Brovel
    Owner: Arturo Bravo-Valdes
    This manufacturer is a top U.S. supplier of Nandrolone Decanoate

    4. Company: Pet’s Pharma
    Owner: Ramon Vargas
    Co-Owner-Eduardo Hernandez
    This manufacturer is a top U.S. source of Testosterone Enanthate

    5. Company: Syd Group
    Owner: Armando Guzman-Armenta
    Associate: Amalia Lara
    This manufacturer is a top U.S. source of Stanozolol

    6. Company: Loeffler
    Officer: Jose Angel Garcia-Hinojosa
    This manufacturer is a top U.S. source of Methandrostenolone

    Operation Gear Grinder was coordinated by the DEA Special Operations Division. DEA offices in San Diego, Mexico City, Tijuana, New York, Houston, San Antonio, and Laredo, Texas participated in the investigation.

    This investigation was a collaborative effort involving DEA, numerous U.S state and local law enforcement agencies, and the Mexican Federal Agency of Investigation (AFI).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    so have those companies been shut down, their websites shut down, or are they just under investigation??? whats goin on with the actual companies

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    BC they can't shut them down, they can however charge those that owned or ran the companies and it's operations, but will they ever be able to get them in a US Federal court for what they are charging them with?

    I doubt it, but it does show the influence US Authorities have Worldwide to
    even try something on this scale...

    I don't see how legally they could do anything to those involve, Steroids are
    legal in Mexico, they are Illegal in the United Statres, they would need to prove those named Knowing shipped Illegal Drugs into the Unites States, but even then is it enuf to extradite them to the US to face Federal charges?

    I don't see how it could be, but they sure as shit are rocking the fuking boat...

    You'd think people were out in the streets killing for steroids the was the government treats it...

    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    They have shut the companies down in MEXICO from what I am seeing!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    BC they can't shut them down, they can however charge those that owned or ran the companies and it's operations, but will they ever be able to get them in a US Federal court for what they are charging them with?

    I doubt it, but it does show the influence US Authorities have Worldwide to
    even try something on this scale...

    I don't see how legally they could do anything to those involve, Steroids are
    legal in Mexico, they are Illegal in the United Statres, they would need to prove those named Knowing shipped Illegal Drugs into the Unites States, but even then is it enuf to extradite them to the US to face Federal charges?

    I don't see how it could be, but they sure as shit are rocking the fuking boat...

    You'd think people were out in the streets killing for steroids the was the government treats it...
    I believe they simply busted the "owners" while they were here in the states. seriously doubt they were even in mex. ever

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    wow the more i read the more pissed i get. when i was younger and UNINFORMED i used to think steroids were a forbidden thing that only cheaters used. then was opened up to them by a long time family friend who showed me the real side. theyre no magic drug that give you overnight 20 inch arms or 4 hour six packs. i look at them as more of a motivation to lift harder. doesnt this just make everyone want to take alittle pencil neck fu<king DEA officer and beat them within one inch of their life??? well thats the feeling i get. i totally agree with BC about the smoking too. its not like when someone uses steroids they are harming anyone around them in anyway possible!!! tobacco products however affect EVERYBODY, not just the users. I think all of this is bullshit and we need to just knock some damn heads.
    just my two cents

  29. #29
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    Mar 2002
    Has nothing to do with them going to Mexico...

    They can charge and indict someone from a foreign country where
    they believe they have proof of them breaking US Federal laws, but
    getting them to the US to face those charges is another story...

    They did it in the last year to someone from China... But it's not like
    they wil be able to get that person here to face those charges...

    Still not good, especially for guys very into the Mex scene...

    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    I believe they simply busted the "owners" while they were here in the states. seriously doubt they were even in mex. ever

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    What exactly are the charges? I don`t think they can charge them for anything as long as it`s legal in mexico. Maybe for shipping illegal drugs into the U.S? I don`t believe they can.. Not familiar with U.S law though. But I`m sure it sucks, looking at Bush..

  31. #31
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    Mar 2002
    That's exactly the way they'd want to work it... Same as shipping coke or anything else, even if it's legal there, it doesn't make it legal here and it's
    considered a fereral offense to ship it into the US...

    Waste of Tax payer money anyway you look at it... Just fuking stupid...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gra
    Maybe for shipping illegal drugs into the U.S?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Good stuff bro, i think u pretty much summed up what we all wana shout at our various heads of state

  33. #33
    do you think since it was VET manufacturers, that one should stay away from ordering from a relatively new source that supplies VET products?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Has nothing to do with them going to Mexico...

    They can charge and indict someone from a foreign country where
    they believe they have proof of them breaking US Federal laws, but
    getting them to the US to face those charges is another story...

    They did it in the last year to someone from China... But it's not like
    they wil be able to get that person here to face those charges...

    Still not good, especially for guys very into the Mex scene...
    I agree. the reason I said they prob never even went to mex is because guys are talking about them being shut down. as I read the story they busted 5 guys tottal in Ca. and Tx. including the co. owner (affectivly shutting down his companies). so who knows if they will continue to operate but the owner is in custudy, I believe

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I thought it would be the reciver that did something illegal??

    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    That's exactly the way they'd want to work it... Same as shipping coke or anything else, even if it's legal there, it doesn't make it legal here and it's
    considered a fereral offense to ship it into the US...

    Waste of Tax payer money anyway you look at it... Just fuking stupid...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Has nothing to do with them going to Mexico...

    They can charge and indict someone from a foreign country where
    they believe they have proof of them breaking US Federal laws, but
    getting them to the US to face those charges is another story...

    They did it in the last year to someone from China... But it's not like
    they wil be able to get that person here to face those charges...

    Still not good, especially for guys very into the Mex scene...

    As another example, the DEA is extraditing Marc Emery from Canada to the US to face the DEATH PENALTY for shipping REEFER SEEDS, even though they're decriminalized in Canada.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Monster

    As another example, the DEA is extraditing Marc Emery from Canada to the US to face the DEATH PENALTY for shipping REEFER SEEDS, even though they're decriminalized in Canada.
    what??? death penalty for seeds...that can't be the whole story

  38. #38
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    what??? death penalty for seeds...that can't be the whole story
    "The sentence of death can be carried out on a defendant who has been found guilty of manufacturing, importing or distributing a controlled substance if the act was committed as part of a continuing criminal enterprise – but only if the defendant is (1) the principal administrator, organizer, or leader of the enterprise or is one of several such principal administrators, organizers, or leaders, and (2) the quantity of the controlled substance is 60,000 kilograms or more of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of marijuana, or 60,000 or more marijuana plants, or the if the enterprise received more than $20 million in gross receipts during any 12-month period of its existence."

    Prosecutors have been known to charge 1 seed = 1 plant and Mr Emery has shipped many more seeds than 60,000.

    Its unlikely they will seek the death penalty of course, but technically thats what he is facing.

  39. #39
    i dont know much about mexican products but IF these r major suppliers, how can they shut them down. if doctor's get roids prescribed for patient's, dont the manufactures sell thes roids to licensed pharmacists. so how can they tell what was sent legally or illegally to the usa. (oh yeah, i forgot serial #'s or lot #'s would show what was recorded as licensed or illegal). i dont know, maybe BUFF87 can u explain to me..

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    i dont know much about mexican products but IF these r major suppliers, how can they shut them down. if doctor's get roids prescribed for patient's, dont the manufactures sell thes roids to licensed pharmacists. so how can they tell what was sent legally or illegally to the usa. (oh yeah, i forgot serial #'s or lot #'s would show what was recorded as licensed or illegal). i dont know, maybe BUFF87 can u explain to me..
    none of the "busted" companies are pharmacutical manufacturers. they are basically ugls

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