After hearing about the huge steroid bust that has just taken place on the major mexican VET manufactures last week, I am sitting here in disbelief. How many people here understand what has just taken place?
We have just shut down most of the major manufactures in another country! We have used tax payer money and resources to put a kink in steroid sales because they are so fuking dangerous?!!!!!!!! You can not buy steroids to improve your body and mind, but you can buy alcholol and fuking cancer sticks on every street!!!!!!
How did the american people let this happen? How lazy is our society to not stand up for ourselves? The tobacco, alchohol, and drug companies rule. Do they not run the ****ing country as well??? How is it that steroids got to be so aweful?
The govt has not done SHIT in researching the use of anabolic steroids in humans! Wheres the PROOF?!!
They have not educated themselves in anyway. Where is the PROOF off how many people hurt themselves by using steroids EVERYDAY?! We have millions of steroid users in this country and I do not EVER hear of anyone getting affected negativly. This is a website where most people come to get information about steroids, thus we would be the first to hear about major health problems in users.... WE DONT! In fact... the only problems I see are in young people or minor side effects in some men such as gyno or some women, (which we educate about every single day)
Another thing!! If steroids are so bad... why is it that the govt does NOT have more than 4 pages on the health problems that steroids can bring? Its all a bunch of BULL SHIT! They have 4 pages telling you of all the things that could happen if you abuse steroids, but they dont back that up with scientific proof or reasoning?
You can buy meds that can kill you inside every drug store!
You can buy beer, wine, spirits on every corner store!
You can give yourself AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS AROUND YOU CANCER from cigarettes and other tobacco, but ...
This is not just about using steroids guys...
This is about our government doing whatever it wants to unless the industry it is doing it to has enough money to make a loud enough noise to get other americans to listen!!!
We are in the minority when it comes to money making industries. Unless steroid users make a loud enough noise... It will become a target to show the uneducated americans that the govt is helping clean up society. The govt KNOWS that this is a battle they CAN win. They pick their fights very carefully. They are the 2000lb bully that only hits people who cant hit back.
The tobacco, alchohol, drug, oil, etc... are 1800lbs and have enough ass behind them to make the american bully feel it... thats why thousands of people will die this week due to drugs, oil (our solders), alchohol related deaths, and cancer. Unless we make a loud enough noise... we are letting this happen and this is just another thing the govt gets away with. This will only get worse now that the govt has tasted blood. They know that the uneducated public will feel great about another "BAD" drug problem being hit hard and will celebrate this by raising our finest alcholic beverage and smoking our best cigar!