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Thread: 2nd cycle advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    2nd cycle advice

    for my second cycle i plan on doing:
    1-4 of dbol 30mg ed
    1-10 test enenthate 400 mg/w
    1-10 deca 300 mg/w

    my first cycle was sust and deca and i made most of the newbie mistakes when it came to rest and eating but ive fixed those now. so you know im 21 170lbs 10%bf and ive been working out for 3 years (started at 100lbs) and have been putting on steady gains till recently but i cant seem to put any more on my own. i work out 4 days a week eat at least 4500 cal and 250g protien a day. what i want to know is this a good plan for my second cycle and alse i have 4 amps of sust and 4 of prop that a friend had as leftover and gave to me should i use those this cycle and if so how to add them in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    do it like this bro
    week 1-4 30 mg dbol
    week 1-12 500 mg test e
    week 1-11 400mg deca
    dont forget pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Alabama State Prison
    yeah, def run the test for 12 weeks. 30 mg of d bol may or may not be enough depending on how your body reacts. 250 grams of protein sounds straight to me. TRAIN, EAT, REST, REAPEAT. also be sure to include alot of complex carbs (800-900g's). They help keep your blood sugar at a constant level. That sounds like a good second cycle to me thou

  4. #4
    Just do 500mg pw test e/c+nolva 20mg ed for 12 weeks then pct...Enough for 2nd cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    so i shouldnt kick start the cycle with the prop?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pilipo
    so i shouldnt kick start the cycle with the prop?

    Yes you could....i would use either prop or dbol weeks 1-4

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