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Thread: Pain free work out??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Pain free work out??

    I've heard deca stores more water in the connective tissues giving you virtually pain free work outs, has anyone actually noticed this? and if so how long will it take to kick in? I'm in week three and my bench press and military press are killing my left shoulder.

  2. #2
    i heard its true, but when i ran deca i still had terrible pain in my shoulder during bench and military presses. even laurabolin didnt seem to live up to the said fact. eventually i found out that the pain was coming from my training; lowering the bar all the way to my chest during bench presses, i started to only lower to about 4-6 inches above my chest and the pain slowly went away to nothing and now i can use heavier weights again.

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